Let them eat Gold :).
Let them eat Gold :).
Pick-pocketing has an animation? What madness is this?
I, too, hate the sound of women laughing Patricia.
here's some love for the PC gaming master race. we can do it too! :P
Nah... Not designed by a 14 years old... Designer FOR 14 years old.
Completely wireless.
Looks like your average Damavand Peak Rush game.
But we draw the line when it affects our right to bear Pokémon, right?!
What will last longer: the time they are engaged until married or the Wii-U
Your either/or scenario is neither/nor and irrelevant.
Yeah! Totally!
As parenting tools go, beating is almost certainly the greatest... crutch for poor parenting!
"Tell that to the console people that cheer over their console exclusives."
Now the only question is: just what will you spend all that dough on?
War... has changed.