
My first thought was, isn’t this the shit my kids watch youtube for?

You will be genuinely missed by this reader. Cars need women! Your stories of amazing women and their exploits have been a great reading and excellent seeds for your future books. Keep it up and let us know where we can see some more of your words.

You work at a packager? Good on ya! I worked at WD-40 HQ for a bit and can confirm no otters were harmed while making the “secret sauce”. Skunks hanging around the mix tanks were certainly pesky though. They weren’t harmed (much) either... Now awaiting fragrance comments....

So the fenders. Are we just gonna pretend that this thing can navigate over any sort of not perfectly level ground, or is this just some sort of art thing?

They even took out the reverse gear to save weight and get better fuel economy. They sold those extra gears to Ryan Gosling and he put them into his Mustang so he could out run the bad guy in reverse.

To be fair, he wasn’t all that entertaining to watch while he was doing things in the car, either.

Well it had its USP stripped out because the seller was too clueless/cheap to fix it properly, and it looks the Trash Heap from Fraggle Rock was their last Uber passenger, so CP all the way home. It just screams “hidden problems” at you. Have your car valeted and any key features properly repaired, especially if you

Personally, I’d think something like this would be more suitable for ten-year-olds:

Yay. I'm old! So what?!? Get off my lawn!!!!

Today I learned that Muslims the world over have been taking busses, ships, and specially chartered planes to Mecca for centuries.

Say no if he offers to push the shopping buggy to your car. 

I did a quick sketch of it as a modern car. I’d rock it! Haha.

He’s not having a Goodyear

That is fairly easy :

Torch is busy at the auto show. 

Because they didn’t ask torch.

i just want to watch this thing drift. not listen to the dude with justin timberlake curls sticking out from under his flat brim yell about it. its straight up unwatchable

More like “putting some level of deniability between themselves and a mountain of aviation paperwork, the worst kind of paperwork”.