
You mean a d-wing?

  • Ford Ecosport Raptor

“loud and violet winds”

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Boeing sent this video in response to inquires about the canopy falling off.

I agree, and I say that as someone who likes Ford Mustangs.

SUVs of course. The fact that they’re terrible gas-guzzling dangerous garbage, while it is the reason why I wouldn’t want to own one, is not my objection to somebody crazy enough to want a crappy car like that having one for himself.

Google Earth says yes, yes he would.

Don’t forget the mascot for the Caliber!

You’re wrong. They’re almost all women. That’s why men can’t control them!

“And that a lot of obvious jokes were probably made across the internet.”

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The Trombone would actually sound better!!

“I knew I shoulda taken that left turn at Albuquerque...”

Psh, Giz is so regressive for a “tech” site. We’ll see who is laughing when my shares of penis coin go through the roof.

I park on a similar type of parklift system every day. Every time I park the car I get out and look to make sure that there is clearance in the front and back to avoid exactly this scenario, and my car is worth about $90,000 less than his.

I think the point that’s most important that many people seem to forget is this is an “adaptation” what works in a book does not always work on the screen and the job of the script writer, director and show runner is to identify what does and doesn’t work. This is a person doing their job right, they are identifying

I really want to see Dwayne Johnson drive a car full-speed into a painted-on tunnel. The airbag goes off, and there’s a smash cut to inside the car, where The Rock is doing his best “Sideshow Bob got hit by a rake” impression, but is clearly unhurt. Then the music swells up, and Porky Pig is onstage: “Th-th-th-that’s