I remember doing that run, or rather, amble, our connection was guaranteed, so they were holding the plane up for us.
I remember doing that run, or rather, amble, our connection was guaranteed, so they were holding the plane up for us.
Disappointed I had to scroll so far.
My local force used to have two STIs, now they use a Lexus ISF and an Evo, although the helicopter was what really reduced the joyriding problem.
Challenge? Well its certainly a challenge of taste. I'm not going to call it pretty, although it probably rates pretty ugly, but I love it. I love the was it doesn't bow to convention, practicality or sense. People might look at it and then sadly shake their heads, but they would look.
It would make sense if it was a racecar chassis originally, there wouldn't have been a passenger seat and the shifter could have been put on the left, and then a little creativity was used to make it a full 2-seater.
Just 'blue', how many different colours of blue can you get a Viper in? If its less that 2 you don't need to give it a description.
That carpark at the end!
I flew Air NZ on a full plane in the cheapest seats and we were still offered a choice of two wines and a refill with each meal, so it has my vote.
Because you don't get much douchier than actually hurting 19 people with your showing off.
TVR Cerbera Speed 12. Originally supposed to be a race car and a road car, the road car got kind of canned when they realised just how wild the 800+ BHP engine was in a 1000Kg car with little or no electronic help. The 600 HP restricted race version did a couple of seasons of racing but was unreliable. Eventually…
Why was the Merc parked that close to the white estate? They couldn't have opened the drivers doors.
That would be easy, everyone says racing these days is too easy.
Japan has far too many weird things, no-one even bats an eyelid anymore.
The Civic reminds me of the era when Japanese cars were starting to match and beat their European rivals, while the Renault reminds me of crappy rusting things, so my loyalty is clear on this one. Look at it, it's a joyous little thing.
Don't let that foal you, they accelerate quicker than you'd think.
Can I get a diesel?