I saw one today kitted to look a little like an R8. The rear bumper looked good, the coloured bits on the side less so.
I saw one today kitted to look a little like an R8. The rear bumper looked good, the coloured bits on the side less so.
I'm so glad they got rid of their old grill, this new one is so much better, that was the only thing that put me off the old Octavia vRS.
Its mandatory (Japanese grey imports usually have one tacked on, it looks awful), they must be red (reversing lights are white) and many cars have two. Unfortunately, many people don't know when you should have them on and then will leave them on when the weather clears, obscuring or confusing brake lights.
Yes, they put them on a Morris Traveller, problem solved.
I'd have nominated this myself, but it never actually made proper production, it was deemed far too powerful for a road car (the racer was restricted to 625hp).
Gimme a D.
How good is it with foxes that don't decided to cross the road until they see a car coming?
I'd have to go with the MKVII on looks alone. Diesels have come a long way since the 80s, some of them don't even sound much like tractors anymore.
Well, my Dad's Volvo (which loves to discharge its battery when left for long periods of time) has it in the boot, there is a way of jump-starting (that's the British term) by connecting to terminals in the engine bay, but as it is normal parked nose first in the garage, we just connect the normal way.
I've never been that crazy about the trademark Zagato arse. I get it, stylistically and aerodynamically, but it just looks like they got bored and stopped making the car just before the end.
I don't know, our ambulances switch usually switch between:
Damn, you beat me to it.
Don't get me wrong, I like the car and with some renovation and subtle improvements it could be fantastic, but I wouldn't pay that much for it, halve it and I'll think about it. CP.
And it sounds like he was having quite a party at the time. Police found a "partially full" bottle of vodka in the car, and had this to say in a report:
Aw, so sad when people abandon cars that have done nothing but love them, I'd give one or two a nice new home...
I wouldn't be surprised if there were fluids from the car dripping onto an electrical line.
Well, the article states that it is 4 cylinder, just compere the nose with an MR2, or that mustang.
Reminds me of the TVR Speed 12, it never got properly dynoed because it broke a dyno rated at 1000hp, I think they eventually dynoed each bank of cylinders seperately.