I'd go for the Fiero, even though it looks like they only decided at the last moment where to put the engine.
I'd go for the Fiero, even though it looks like they only decided at the last moment where to put the engine.
Careful, there is a ban on things that might enrage the male libido.
I'd probably throw up if I had to drink a whole bottle of any milk, where's the beer option?
Reminds me of a fire extinguisher demo made in my company's car park years ago, it was all going fine until they demonstrated the dry powder extinguisher, the camera pans across the car park showing some cars that just happened to be downwind. Cue unhappy motorists.
Didn't Audi win Le Mans with a very similar system?
Yeah, what amazes me is how little of that ever got onto road cars, even 20 years after it was banned.
Shame there wasn't really any metro in them except for the body shape, they just wanted to make it short and the metro was the right size.
I remember them racing the 850 with a plastic labrador in the back, just for laughs. It turned out that the crafty engineers had figured that the estate was much more aerodynamic than the saloon .
In that colour?
Striking? Yes. Tasteful? It has fins, but isn't a fish.
Well, in the UK you can go as low as you like, as long as you are not damaging the road, so its entirely possible to have a road legal car that can't clear speedbumps.
In the UK at least there are car acting agencies which will source cars for period TV series and the like, people have earned a nice sum by renting their classics out for filming.
In the UK you have to either pay road tax (computer controlled, they know if you haven't paid) or declare your car off road (in which case it gets spotted on the road it will be seized and possibly crushed).
I definitely deserves some love, perhaps a few small upgrades, but I would hate to see someone modify this into a monstrosity.