I don't hate it, I'm just glad that there's someone out there designing things that make people swear, recoil in horror or wet themselves for any of a number of different reasons.
I don't hate it, I'm just glad that there's someone out there designing things that make people swear, recoil in horror or wet themselves for any of a number of different reasons.
Tailgates put me in mind of the Reliant Scimitar.
I would think so, those beasts are low, so they are probably around the same height as the one on my car.
You'd only need a slight modification to turn it into an effective snowplough.
To be fair he's a typical Finn, quiet, gruff (people who don't know the Finnish assume this to be rude, it's not, it's just Finnish), practical and then you give him a drink and its a party (until he passes out).
Fuel-filler cap, I'd imagine.
I always thought these were for letting air into the cockpit, you wouldn't want the superheated air of a racing engine in the drivers seat.
I remember driving down that road, in a heavily loaded Nissan Wingroad 1.6 automatic, I had a slight hangover, too, so I wasn't doing anything like that speed, but its an awesome road. Coming through the hairpins at the bottom a Ferrari 458 overtook me (I admit a cyclist probably could have done the same, the brakes…
Well, might be stretching the question a little, but the Benz Patent-Motorwagen is out-performed by the Segway PT (thank you Wikipedia for confirming what was a vague notion). But I know which I'd rather be driving.
A bloke restored an E-type in the garages behind my house, when he first started the engine it was belching fire all over the place, but what a sound!
Blackpool, known, semi-sarcastically, as the Vegas of the North.
Some nice cars there, but nothing was on the same level as the Vauxhall Vectra police cars, I bet they were the 1.8 DTi's, too, phwoar!
But just as much fun, and, with a little skill and a grasp of the limitations, quite possible. Until you mess it up, and then its hilarious.