
Sorry to see competitors to the 'monopolies' go. I remember when Yahoo was THE search engine to use, and they got their fingers into nearly as many pies as Google has now.

Rats, I've been using Trillian for almost a year, and you had me ready to download until the $4.99. I guess there are perfectly good free clients out there! hehe

@jinkerz7: I had a Eris, got it free as Verison was phasing them out. LOTS of stuff didn't work on it.... Opera.. Angry Birds... etc. And from what I read there was no more Android upgrades coming to the Eris. I had a friend suggest rooting it to get newer versions of Android. I got a $.97 upgrade to the LG

Microhelp Muscle and Muscle32

We had a tree come down on our cable on Friday afternoon, and they couldn't fix it 'til Monday.


I can tell when a politician is being an effective liar, his/her lips are moving!

U use Simplenote on My PC, and AndroNoter on My phone. Works for me, though, it's typed text only...

@Liz Christopher: What I do, is just use Tasker to turn on Airplane Mode at bed time, it disconnects from the network, and none of the stuff you don't want will take place! I turn it off about a minute before I get up and everything's waiting for Me, but not dinging/buzzing/doinking/or vibing, all night long

Some solutions for Froyo 2.2, but thanks to Verizon not upgrading an older phone - HTC Eris - I get to live with 2.1 for EVER.... I'm making friends with the idea of rooting, but I'm not comfy with it yet. Other than clearing cache, is there anything those of us unable to run Froyo can do?

@neergrm: It's funny... I hadn't thought about the Windows key in MONTHS, now I see it twice today, so far!

I'm a big fan of grilled Cheese, and BLT sandwiches.

@mandy22: I have actually had this work to repel mosquitoes from me. If you can stand it, about a cap full of the stuff kept them away.

@mipakr: Well, doggone my tea-totaling ways! LOL

As they say on the Altoids ads....

@ckcallen: I have two words for you, friend..... "Cat Soup"!

I work at Home Depot. I could tell you our secret codes, but then they wouldn't be secret, would they? Not to mention that I don't remember them... hehe

Missed it by -118! hehe