
Can we stop with the crappy “joking” assertion that if a somewhat attractive woman has a job above minimum wage she banged her way there? I’m super liberal and hate this administration but as a non-ugly/smart woman I’ve been accused of this myself too many times in my life when I busted my ass and earned what I have.

The new trilogy was disappointing but it had nothing to do with the cast IMO. The new cast was by and large good, they just got real shit material to work with. And it does suck that some of them got severely harassed because people didn’t like aspects of movies that they had nothing to do with. 

I have sailed a few times on various power and sail vessels both inland and offshore. I’ve even taught sailing and gotten certificates and shit.

Admittedly, my sailing experience is limited to passing out on party boats, but wouldn’t ships trying to bring drugs into the U.S. be sailing in the opposite direction of the ships trying to deliver PPE to Latin America?

I wholeheartedly agree. Alas, I've got to share this world with mouth breathing cretins such as yourself.

A $2.5T stimulus is inherently socialist. Every person who voted for it, and the president who signs it, are all socialists.

How do you people get your comments to cross over from your alternate universe?

They’d take PAPRs in a split second if they were widely available but for the quantities needed, it would be very difficult to source that many through traditional means. If they can somehow ramp up production quickly this would be extremely valuable for frontline workers.

Every time I’ve gone to a dealer (4 times now over the past 9 years), I’ve been able to test drive the car without the salesman in the car with me. I didn’t realize it was a requirement that they had to go with you.

For many it is the fact that they keep on making skins for the young Anna, rather than making more skins for the current (old) Anna. It sorta takes away any real value of her being released, originally, as an older women when all of her skins are of her younger days.

Because representation matters. I get what you’re saying, but that’s why. It’s the same reason it’s good to have home buyers who’ve chosen to remain single, friend/roommate situations, siblings, LGBTQ families, single parent households or multi-generational households, etc. Not every home buyer or family looks the


In my career, I often find myself traveling to conferences, and meeting with men (and women) in their hotel rooms. Often at night. Often over a bottle of wine. Probably 25+ instances. These people sometimes control lucrative contracts that I want access to. I’ve been doing this for 15 years and, although I’m not a

She reminds me of Martin Shkreli. Like, neither of them are gross looking people. It’s not that there’s something wrong with their appearances. But it’s like the wickedness shines through their face and you just want to scrunch your nose up and look somewhere else.

I think Tom chooses these letters because it’s like red meat to the specific group of people that frequent these comment sections that have Abraham Lincoln’s head imprinted on their thumb. They get to crow about how much better they handle their money and then they can get back to squeezing McDonald’s ketchup packets

“You see, I had a rough situation and made it out, so everyone who doesn’t is an idiot.” 

A lot of people end up being remarkably ignorant of basic parts of being an adult. They’re not necessarily idiots, they’ve just been remarkably badly prepared by their families and schools. Or they’ve come up in a very difficult situation. To just say they’re idiots assumes way too much and ignores real issues that

Pants with buttons, snaps or zippers can leave artifacts on xrays.

“i see your point about how i’m being wrong and ridiculous right now but i’m gonna keep it that way, kthx"

You know, the more I look at the US, the more I think of the decline of Rome. When you stop fighting for your survival and ideals, you start rotting from the inside. That’s why you have predatory companies (military contractors, private prisons, PMC, health insurance companies, banks, 10000$/year schools...) and