
Peak “mansplaining?” Glad I skipped it. 

Plus if everything really is the same they can just buy the cheaper men’s version but they don’t.

Subaru wore it better:

So, when you send your texts, do you pull over and send it? I’m going to guess you don’t.

And your punk-ass ITG would be wrong. If you want to go faster than me, I let you by. I always prefer a rabbit ahead of me to light up police radars and take the ticket.  I’m more than happy to let your dumbass take an economic hit.

Then, kindly, please, with a cherry on top, get off the road. If you want to “push a button” so you can send a damn text, then you don’t need to be driving a car, because you, as soon as you got in the car, are already programmed to be distracted, and want the ability to NOT be in control of the car when it is

Warning. Large Earth straight ahead. Would you like to engage No Crash Plz system?

For the most part, whatever, but this:

Golf isn’t mad, Golf is disappointed

Fuck you.

Lordstown has produced several generations of GM compact cars, including the infamous J-body Cavalier, Sunfire, Skyhawk, and the successive Delta platform Cobalt/G5 and current Chevrolet Cruze.

Unpopular opinion here: This is good and I hope more manufacturers follow suit. 112mph is insanely fast. Way faster than anyone should be going on public roads. Not fast enough for you? Want to go faster that that? Go do it on a track. They have safety measures in place to help ensure you are less likely to cause harm

I’ve said it a million times. We could probably eliminate a substantial amount of these injuries and deaths if city planners would discontinue the idiotic practice of giving pedestrians and cars the right of way to the same space at the same time. When pedestrians get the walk light, they should not have to be dodging

Of course, no texting while driving, but also...........no texting while walking.

I hate the sanctimonious implication all of this “financial wellness” industry that wants to convince us, the public, that it’s our own fault we’re not rich. They imply that if you were as smart as them, and followed some basic common sense ideas, you too would be rich. Bollocks! Half of em made their money through

Guys, the secret to masculinity is that it’s yours. Forever. Nobody can take it away from you. You can’t accidentally give it away. It’s yours, you define it for yourself. You don’t have to give in to men who claim you need to follow codes or rules or whatever nonsense they cooked up.
So there’s no need to constantly

To be fair, what that implies has a lot to do with how much you weigh. 

I feel like the American distracted driving thing comes, in part, due to lax enforcement and the general American sense of personal freedom.

Right so what you’re saying is that someone who has to travel for their job, for example my work is 70 miles a day minmum. Just suck it up and buy a 5 grand beater that will last you a year before shitting the bed and repeat that process every year rather than buying a 20 grand new car which will have a new car