There’s a real Old Man yells at Cloud vibe to this
There’s a real Old Man yells at Cloud vibe to this
How is this different than what anyone wants from any car? We want it all.
Interesting but fictional back story. This guy was an American spy after some Korean tourist/spies visiting Las Vegas. He was discovered following them and poisoned at his hotel. They hacked into his Tesla and programmed it to drive him deceased back to California where authorities later found him dead by the side of…
Not gonna lie. I now have no idea what actually happened.
Minimalism is what I look for. I don’t want any features that the car doesn’t need, including size. For specific musts, it’s
It’s basically a policy to keep out the poors, because who wants to see those guys?
I believe every fucking person should at some point in their young lives work in the service industry...the skills you pick up and the things you learn about the other humans you share society with, are lessons for life.
Good snow tires. Lots of areas where it's too cold for salt or brine (even more corrosive) to work seem to get along just fine. Road salt have far too many negatives for only one sort of positive. So yeah, good snows and drive a bit more carefully.
“Sims of Late Capitalism”
Oh, and lest I forget, he was doing this in the context of bitching about Kristen being inferior to Stef Schrader, who, having heard her name invoked from miles away, immediately showed up to inform him that Kristen was awesome and he could eat a dick.
Meh, I’ll always support more racing, so I’ll be checking it out. Frankly I’ve heard nothing but criticism without a lot of solutions; these women want to race now, while they can, however they can. I’m not mad at that.
sure, but if you joined a union you ought to expect them to negotiate for the rest you contracted for, yes? I mean, 13 months is nice, but they contracted for more. In either case, they should expect all they can to make their lives as stress free as it can possibly be. GM isn’t insolvent, they just want to free up…
Seems like he has a job, has a place to live, and is paying the debt from his schooling, all of which are definitely grown up things to do.
But it still can’t top the LaTundra Twerk.
Her constituents did that already.
And yet there are men who don’t win and somehow still have decent careers in the big leagues. Shoot, there are entire sports teams with garbage stats to their names yet they have a devoted following. Clearly winning isn’t everything...
What position do you think they’re supporting? This article didn’t paint her as a victim (aside from her kidnapping) nor is it giving her glowing praise. It told the story of her life and pointed out a sad fact about women (or lack thereof) in F1.