
I’d go further and suggest that there are plenty of mediocre entries in any racing series, made up of teams and drivers with virtually no chance to get on a podium... Tiago Monteiro was never going to be on a podium in F1 without most of the field not running the USGP at Indy.

Man, these posts really attract the idiot demographics of the Kinja commentariat.

It is really disappointing that you would support such an absurd position. This site does not lower itself to coddle the bigoted whiners who choose to be predators while claiming victimhood because it is trendy.

Sick of your stupid social injustice warrior posts.

Apparently you cared enough to whine about it.

It influenced your bitch ass to write this salty snowflake comment. Go be butthurt somewhere else, bigot.

Call me a Lunatic, but I would buy a ride to the moon to salvage one or all of the Moon Buggys.

I’m Sorry but this story is written in a way that leads to a lot of incorrect speculation. If you read the Miami Herald article, it says the although the perp drove for Uber he was not that night. They never booked an Uber, they were not billed by uber. He showed up outside a bar, looking for drunk women and said

You are absolutely right that it is a life change everyone can afford and could be the easiest. Unfortunately its hard to convince people to make a binary shift like that, but it really doesn’t have to be! If everyone started by just having veggies consist of 1/2 of their meal each night, then maybe move to 2 nights a

If I may quote hysterical southern belle Lindsey Graham, “speaking as a white male”...it’s really easy not to rape. Like it’s never been a problem for me. There’s no gray area about not committing sexual assault. No situations exist where a person might “accidentally” commit sexual assault and not mean it.

Canadian Agreement Mexico United States?

“I buy products that meet 100% of my needs.”

You and your planet can fuck right off with that “only what you need” bullshit.

This is what can happen when ability and backing converge. There are examples out there of women excelling when given the opportunity to do so, especially when the opportunity isn’t just on a shoestring or on a race-to-race basis.

Jesus Christ, this is such misogynistic bullshit. If his girlfriend is trash, why is this great great man so easily corrupted by her? If he's great, it's because of him. If he's erratic, it's because of her? Fuck that hero worship horseshit. 

As always let us blame the woman

Clearly, it must be a woman’s fault. He’s never been an egotistical filter-free jerk with a penchant for shooting from the hip.

Where do you find these stories!!

Hey! It also has the little space alien!

Coal rollers evidently really like diesel particulates, right? So why don't we use the same solution as modern sporty cars? They pipe sound into the cabin, so the driver gets to experience the engine sound without unduly annoying bystanders - could the same thing work for coal rollers?