
For years, everyone in the world has misunderstood Kristen Stewart's compressed emotional range. They thought it meant she was a limited actress; it means nothing of the kind. She is John Wayne being forced to play the Maureen O'Hara character. Give her a rail to lean against during a sunset, a military jacket, a

Loose vagina is just what men say to make themselves feel better about having a skinny penis.

I'm pretty sure they're not too keen on "humans" in general.

Let me just state that I don't for a second buy into guys just not being able to help themselves when it comes to young women because "fertility". Bullshit - it's a total social construct. If it wasn't then women would feel the same "drive" to be with 18-22 year-old males. That's *their* physical prime, from a

Your argument seems to be: males can want to fuck AND want to fuck people they're sexually attracted to (which in this study = females restricted to a 10-year age set) AND want to father children, and those can all be separate, complex, organically rooted behaviors because "male biology," but "female biology" is

I have to say, Gutfeld and Bolling's comments made a lot more sense to me after I did an image search for them:

Men and women are both attracted to youth, physically. Men and women are both more fertile in their 20s then they are in their 30s and beyond, and male and female fertility are no longer ideal as of their 40s.

What do you mean, "wing"?

If there's anything I'm taking away from this article it's that you LIKE what you LIKE because you've been socialized to LIKE it that way. Good for you either way

Oh please, if they had risque photos of Emma Watson, they would already be out there. She's a gross-guy favorite because she became famous when she was underage. (not saying everyone who likes her is gross because she's a gorgeous smart woman who anyone might like, but I bet most gross guys are especially interested).

He only wanted a wee keek!

Is it possible for men to stop acting like children when it comes to personal porn, using it to threaten ex girlfriends? If you think I hate this person so much I want to release personal porn with them in it, stop, get over yourself and move on. You are the pathetic sad sack of crap in this scenario not her.

Ok, so a lot of the comments here are obviously about the logistics of the situation and gun culture, which are obviously very important topics that need to be discussed.

idk the line could be heavy and in need of towing

I just Google Image searched "classy lady bear." Why can't those skanky Noble High students dress more like this?

I'm all for bringing back the greys, with one condition:

Said it on Facebook this morning, saw it a lot in the Gawker comments - time to away with internet anonymity. No censorship, just post whatever you want to post with your first and last name next to it, linked to your Facebook account or email address. If you think it's okay to taunt a grieving 25-year-old with

I worked at cafe where a group of local business men gathered for their morning coffee a few times a week. I remember bringing an order to their table and as I walked up one of them was saying, "And THAT is why you never hire a woman!" And all the other men nodded their agreement. Then he turned to me with a huge grin

Yep. He sounds like my ex. Judging by the fact that he sounds like my ex, I'd wager that she's working full time then coming home and cooking/cleaning/doing laundry and then trying to make time to go to the gym and he's rarely, if ever, helping. That's probably why she's tired and feels gross. I wonder if he also

Noteworthy tidbit gleaned from spreadsheet: "I won't have time to get showered and ready for dinner" (we were 20min early)