
My girlfriend's car broke down one time when I had a shift at work later that day (she lived in Frederick, MD, and work was in northern Virginia — you can't get from one to the other without a car). I called in to work and told my GM, Jim, that I couldn't make it. Jim BEGGED me to find a way in, because he was already

That's the thing: it ISN'T deliberate malice. It's something much, much worse: de-sensitized apathy and a ground-in tendency to turn off your basic empathy for your fellow man.

This is how we treat people in corporate America. Everything is disposable and replaceable. So of course they're going treat them like shit. Corporations are in the business in making money not helping people or making things better. If a customer or worker got sick, just throw a couple of dollars to make it go away

I feel so sorry for the cops there. They're clearly losing patience with her bullshit and that one guy is being completely nice and reasonable while she rants and films her crying child instead of comforting her. This kind of thing is why I hate the stupid "fuck the police" attitude most of the internet seems to have.

My tiny 4 lb kitten just whacked the cougar on screen with his paw. He has no idea what he is up against.

I don't know what conservatives want anymore, it's all so contradictory. Have a million babies, but don't have any sex, stay home with the babies and don't work, but don't live off the system or expect low cost health care, just work harder and then you'll make more money, but don't expect small businesses to have any

Fuck that shit, lady can do whatever she wants with what belongs to her.

Its just a defense posture, just like how when people try to claim its unpatriotic to question government.

I love how you keep trying to tell me what I'm thinking or trying to say. I know the phrase "overly sexualized." Notice how I haven't used it? That's because that's not the only issue about female character representation I'm talking about here. You disagree with me and you have that right.

Wow. Making excuses for blatantly racist mods because they make the character "prettier" (AKA whiter.)

It's weird how often I see people use "creative freedom" to actually mean "you are not allowed to question or criticize any of the artist's decisions." That's...entirely counter to the way art works and has worked for the overwhelming majority of human history.

I dream of the day when a female character's design is judged solely its narrative support and not whether or not players think she's hot. Women do not exist solely for the pleasure of others, and neither should female characters. I'm not holding my breath.


You folks want games to be treated as art rather than given a Roger-Ebert-esque dismissal? Wish fucking granted.

Part of interrogating creative works is seeing how that work is both a product of and influencer of society at large. This means that, in a society that promises equality and brands itself as a "melting

I am amazed by the number of people who say they don't like indie games because they prefer the consistent quality they get with AAA stuff. Wow, really? You mean like Battlefield 4, well known for being flawless on release? Or Aliens Colonial Marines? Or SimCity? And that's just a few extremely high-profile, genuinely

I read on Huffington Post (or it may have been Buzzfeed, i'm unsure), that one of the women he was sexting was sixteen years old and that he had also googled age of consent laws, in case you guys are wondering if this guy is complete and utter trash or just utter trash.

Go to bed, Putin.

I can't even picture HOW a grown man PUNCHES a BUNNY.

Actually, a lot of people care about what we do in the bedroom. There were sodomy laws up until 2003. The punishment in Idaho was life in prison. The punishment in Michigan was 15 years to life.

You're absolutely right in that it approaches 0 as more are produced. While POTENTIAL production is near infinite, actual production is limited to the demand. The cost is only offset by actual production, not potential production.