
The haughty way that she taps her hip? It is everything. So stylish yet frugal.

So awesome (and as a parent of three daughters, I say SO AWESOME!!! (and thank Ms. Dugan for instilling a love of math to a group of 4th grade girls that continues - at least with my girl - as this group starts 7th in a few weeks)).

And . . . does this make anyone else think of Good Will Hunting?

Hear hear, we have this debate monthly and it is so tiresome and predictable. The same exact comments and responses are given each time;

This is why Naked and Afraid is way better.

Oh my god, the tanks! I went to a boarding school in Morristown and in the summer the headmaster would have us choose an amusement park. We saw those tanks on a marketing VHS tape Action Park sent to local schools, and a hundred summer schools kids went Nuts! They were little tanks you could drive! They actually SHOT

Tennis ball guns! I loved that ride. People would stand around the edge and could shoot tennis balls at you as well.

Basically, but you got to inaccurately fire tennis balls all over the place as well. There were bumper boats too...another bad idea. I loved that place!!

Yep, and tennis ball guns!

I wish I could come on here and say how mad I am that this was never open when I went there as teenager. But if I did, I'd be lying. Every time we went there, everyone would talk about how awesome it would be if it was open. But secretly I was praying that it wasn't open. Although we all talked a big game, I think

Yes, it's hard to "read" her tone in the interview but she sounds pissed off about both the show and the book even though the show creators have made it abundantly clear that they took liberties with the book because that's what fiction and telling a story are all about. As for the book, as you said, nothing she said

That entire VF article left me with the impression that whomever wrote it 1) didn't read the book and 2) seems to not understand what fictitious t.v. shows are.

I think there are many reasons people romanticize membership in a marginalized group. While Lena is definitely more privileged than most, I'm sure having mental health issues and being overweight didn't exactly make her feel accepted by her community, so she probably longed to belong to another community that would

If she had just gotten to eat the chicken that is smarter than other chickens and absorb its power, this catastrophe would never have happened.

It's okay Lindy... they aren't saying that you're wrong or you missed something. No need to copy and paste sections of the article ( that we all just read) into the comments. People can just agree with you and provide examples within their own experience without explicitly saying so in every comment.
But I do agree

So, having skimmed through the comments, I think my only real question is whether it is accurate to refer to people calling for a moratorium on the use of the term "Nazi" as a descriptor for rigid, inflexible people, as "Nazi" Nazis?

Audrey and Josie had it down. Something about Nadine, though, that I really love....

I am obsessed with all of the Twin Peaks fashion. Gah! Love so much.

That coat is the bomb! #TwinPeaksFashionForLYFE