
For the benefit of everyone else in the office with you, though, PLEASE DO NOT STEAM BROCCOLI. Everyone will hate you as the person who made the entire office smell like farts.

I asked for this for Christmas! I just started it, and a couple things to note: Much of it is a memoir of Julie Dawn Cole's life in general, so if you're looking for complete and total Wonka-rama, you might be disappointed. Secondly, there are a bunch of typos and the back cover quotes "Robert Ebert" instead of

Aside from what others have already said re: we're mocking them because they say they're nice when they're really not nice at all, what gets me mad is the apparent inability to see "dating" as anything beyond "someone to fuck me." Unless these guys filled out their OKC profiles with solely "casual sex" as their

Pillar-of-fur! YES! I've never been able to accurately describe why I love his front paws so much and that is perfect.

Well, Bo was a gift from Ted Kennedy. So we don't really know if they deliberately decided not to go the rescue route, or if the gift supplanted their rescue plans.

I know what you're getting at, and in some sense I agree with you in terms of asserting a moral superiority, but I was just talking about my reaction to the whole thing, not the article's or author's. I guess I don't think that being annoyed with pointing and laughing privileged kids *necessarily* implies that

How does having compassion and recognizing that something is distasteful equal assuming a "moral protector" role? It seems that it's a difference between saying "I'm outraged on someone's behalf" and "I'm outraged because I believe this is wrong." I can see where the former could be seen as placing yourself "higher

"(with the exception of one time when I woke up hearing a low growl and saw what looked like a face in my mirror)" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT. You snuck that in like an afterthought but to me it's the scariest part of this story!

That's an awful thing to do! At first I called your dad a dick, but that's not nice. But that's kind of what I really want to say. Jesus Christ!

Wow...just looked that up and I definitely have that. Glad to know there's a word for it!

MINE TOO! Weird...

Yes. Usually I would feel the same way as you, but for some reason, with him, *swoon*

I was thinking that was probably the reason, but aaagggghghh!! Drink some juice or something! With that said, I do really love this feature.

Okay, I can totally handle potato chip eating, but omg the sounds of gum chewing, with the saliva and the smick-smacking. Please no. PLEASE. NO.

That does sound frightening.

In middle school, we all had to choose a short biography of a celebrity and write a book report on it, and I chose Mariah Carey. In the book, she revealed that when she was younger and unaware of correct eyebrow maintenance, she shaved her eyebrows. So maybe she's just always had some difficulties with them.

William Davis: scariest "toy factory owner" ever.