
Add in the “health coach” title and you get Beach Body. Uh, “coach”? You literally just told me to drink shakeology for several meals a day and then to eat a salad and you will be super healthy and so full of energy. No. No, I will not. I will be full of nothing because that stuff makes everything from the top of my

THE “I’M A SMALL BUSINESS OWNER” garbage, these MLM people throw around....uuuuuuuugh. NO YOU ARE NOT.

I hate that I have invested thousands and 15 years into my incorporated business and have a fucking MLM rep tell me that they “run a woman-owned small business, too!”. No. No you fucking do not. Ugh. Lots of times even the reps don’t realize they are 100% being used as consumers and pawns in these schemes.

If you have to say it’s not a pyramid’s probably a pyramid scheme.

her 39-person bridal party


I hate when people turn their personal Facebook pages into sales pages. “here’s a picture of my kid, here’s a picture of me wearing Raspberry Rose in Lipsense! Buy Lipsense!’s the family at disneyworld...”

I have so many ranty thoughts about this. I grew up in the south, so this is basically my entire facebook feed. My least favorite is since we’re gearing up towards holiday shopping, all these #bossbabes make pleas to “shop small” or “shop local” with them for holiday gifts. YOU ARE NOT A SMALL BUSINESS.

Beachbody workouts are great, my wife has lost a ton of weight using them and is in great shape. The on-demand workouts work really well, too. You can use the on-demand to figure out what you like for a few months, then maybe buy DVDs of the ones you like on sale.

The essential oil people are THE WORST.

One of the groups I belong to on FB just voted to finally eliminate all mention of Beach Body and shakeology at all. First time violators get a warning, second time earns you a boot from the group.

this is the one crucial piece of info that is somehow always missing from any article about LulaRoe and its shadiness/inherent pyrmaid scheme setup. HOW DOES ANYONE THINK THESE CLOTHES ARE ATTRACTIVE? I call it the “i don’t want my husband to find me remotely fuckable anymore” look. really, does anyone think this shit

I can’t stand her either but can we stop pretending these kids are black or that they’re Jackson’s bio kids? I mean, unless skin bleaching and plastic surgery are hereditary...

About halfway through, I thought “oh sweet jesus! This is why we have Donald Trump!” It’s all one big slippery slope of fake news and believe what you want to believe.

I watched 3 episodes last night, and I think I still have the final one left. Forget what I said about not binging. It got so good! And now I HATE Nancy Grace, and it makes me question everything about how I consume media. I’m an attorney, but I would never touch a criminal case. I referred my own speeding ticket to a

In this age of pervasive digital media preservation, nothing thrills me more than the fact that the ghosts of Megyn’s past shall haunt her until she slinks back into the troglodyte ether from whence she came.

This is astonishingly useful information that I didn’t realize I needed. I plan to follow you in case you accidentally drop additional information relating to very short women and recommended hemlines. As one does.

That shirtdress is an unacceptable length. Acceptable longer lengths are:

You have an issue with “self care.” Fucking jezebel.