
Thank you for explaining this. I had no idea what it meant!

What is this comment?

Woah, yikes. I stand corrected.

What was it? It was removed

I wouldn't qualify Anon as cyber bullies.

That's how Jez rolls these days. Nothing original, nothing researched. It's all regurgitated information.

Perhaps bullies don't belong in jail, but certainly someone like this creep who bullied this girl to death. He should have to take some sort of responsibility for that harassment.

Can anyone name a remake that was actually, you know, good?

....with the exception of The Shinning..

Is this a serious comment??

I think it's a 9gag thing. If you go take a look at the Memorial Page for this poor girl there are terrible comments and pictures from trolls.

Oh, my mistake. Thanks for pointing this out to me.

I'm sorry if my point was misunderstood. I'm not saying that here parents DIDN'T do enough. To the contrary, I think here parents went above and beyond.

Facebook is a free service. It is not required to police anything. The photo should have been flagged for being offensive or pornographic.

God...I just hate her.

Yea, I thought that I had heard on NPR that she was still alive...

I'm guessing I'm in the minority here, but I do NOT feel bad for Lilo. AT.ALL.


You need to relax and not take everything so personally.

I hope you're being facetious.