
Isn't the answer always Miata?

"Florida Man rips out an opposing players' weave during a football game"

I agree with what you're saying.

Ahh ok, so when Asian women mostly (or exclusively) date white men, it's because in this vast and diverse nation, they somehow have no other choice. Got it.

I dont see how White men have power in that dynamic,it is a mutual relationship. there are plenty of eligible Asian men. they are not economical oppressed like Blacks,in fact I believe the average Asian guy makes more money than the average white guy. my point is that Asian woman have other options not to deal with a

" Everything we're ever fed is about the humanization of white people."

If white men having Yellow Fever for Asian women is a thing, Asian women having White Fever for white men is definitely also a thing.

I think white men get a bad rap when it comes to the issue. The unhealthy, racialized infatuation between white men and asian women is mutual but only white men get criticized for their role in it. That's not a popular opinion but it's closer to the truth than what is normally said.

We humans are so strange.

He probably comments here. I imagine he is all the commenters.

She's 42,, he's 55. Not exactly a daddy/daughter romance.

i see what you did there

Ah yes, I'll never forget that time I went slow-dancing and tombstone'd the fuck out of my date.

If someone would have approached me back then and told me that approximately 20 years later I would not have to step into a mall ever again because of online shopping... I would have just broken down and cried from the sheer joy.

I've never seen a mall as anything but a weird planet I didn't want to be in.

This shit is so hilarious

I pass the aqueduct daily basis I can tell you that when the water is running down at full speed it's mesmerizing. it's like a waterfall next to the 5 freeway. Great piece by the way @Alissa Walker

I was always accused of "acting white" in HS and it sucks. For the life of me, I still don't understand how some think white = smart because there are some dumb ass white folk out offense.

Please provide links as proof of the existence of these so called "things". Quickly before my wife gets home.

Anyway, the root is our tendency to assign agency where there is none. All the stuff we've layered on top of this basic tendency is surface detail.

Yep, evolution is by no means a perfect process.