
Hey now. Questions are a burden to others.

Why do you believe females have the right to hit males without any fear of reprisal? A man hitting a female out of the blue or instigating the physical contact is wrong, a man acting in self-defense is fine.

Did you miss the part where he's being taken away and she runs up and starts punching him? If a woman's stabbing you, you just take it? How many times do you let her punch you before you say you've had enough?

I dunno... If you're gonna throw punches you're fair game to be punched

I travel for work and hate hotel coffee. I found the Nespresso Pixie, bought the travel case for it, and now I travel with my own espresso machine around the country. No matter the quality of the hotel, I know my morning coffee is going to be good.

Nespresso is definitely better than Starbucks

Shoot for the stars!

Poor Nagasaki. Always the bridesmaid.

Mwahaha, Texas, you so tiny! :D

The film? Yes.

"This strange woman came by in a car and asked if I wanted any guns, but I said 'No ma'am, I'm all set.'"

"the lack of women working in the game industry is a problem"

And thats when you have a lawsuit.

Oh yeah, i forgot. Male opinions arent welcome here. You go girl.

True story - This June, my beloved 2009 328i (manual!) was totaled when a girl who (I believe) was texting ran a red light at about 50mph and hit me right in the front left wheel, annihilating most of the front of my car and its frame. I hit my head pretty hard, and suffered a bad concussion. When I staggered out of

And this is why, as a Boston resident, I fucking hate redsox fans.

This would be a good time to mention that it still took him four tries to hit a target larger than the strike zone.

The missus smacked me around a bit for the 3rd time in our 17 year marriage -i never even raised a finger -ever!