
Man and Machine, Power Extreme! :D most Saturday mornings was this, visionaries,jaycee and the wheel warriors, M.A.S..K, then ya had your C.O.P.S, Swat cats, biker mice days. ...Bring them all back some one, todays cartoons aren't action enough.

They're spoiling their dinner!

Let's see your blue robo-cat from the future get you out if this one, Nobita.

This one made me burst into laughter.

I personally can't believe that anyone would do this. This shows that some people just have no integrity whatsoever.

Wow. What a bungled launch. Is this just the way things are now with games? Watchdogs, Destiny, AC: Unity. This has to be one of the most disappointing years for AAA games in a long time. Are they all just rushed? What is going on?

No, you didn't. You gave in to your meme addiction. So much for that 12 step program.

In Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes, the sand box made it 10 times better.

You're naive, buddy.

Utada is more R&B than almost every R&B artist in US for the last decade.

ugh... you hit me where it hurts

Maybe if he bought 99 Nokia phones instead, they could have been... N-Gage'd

What, a girlfriend?

Yeah I call bullshit PR stunt: Computer programmers don't have this many friends.

fill out some of the missing pieces~

We can go deeper.

....Why are so many people recording themselves watching this?

Oh, I know, but they spell it Shinovi in English on the cover.