
The Assassin’s Creed Ezio Collection isn’t quite the disaster that a recent viral video made it seem. A new video, by SupJamChan, points out that the broken animations in the remastered version of Assassin’s Creed II are caused by a glitch that was also in the original. And that deformed NPC was the product of random

Criticism may not equal censorship, but it sure does sound like they’re calling for it. Would criticism of lack of censorship be censorship?

I was fully prepared to raise hell about the lack of mutant league football until your last paragraph.

The View From Mt. Fuji. By Hiro Tanaka.

I’d say you’re fine. The difficulty is only high if you compare it to the average game on the current market. It’s maybe a bit more difficult than Onimusha.

I downloaded this after I saw the article at work. I went home and booted it up like I was hot shit and was annihilated, over and over again.

ok, some possible help. equip the sword, use the block button, and use the lock on. as the enemy strikes you will see that little white bar over his head go down. don’t go for a killing combo, use quick jabbing strikes and stay conservative, poke poke and then turtle up, if he exhausts his white stamina bar, try to

I too was like you at one point. And then I got gud.

Block? For most early enemies you can block their attacks and followup with quick attacks. Personally I back off so they run towards me and use a long reach strong attack to get them off guard.

I am just waiting for the plottwist that this is actually a Hideo Kojima game.

Headline didn’t say console box art either.

i guess you could call it Mighty No. 2??? yes, bad joke is bad.

Saving money on console packaging

If the government or an outside body were to force a localization team to remove certain elements of the game, it’s censorship. If a company decides to change some things about their own product in localization, because of how they want to present themselves in another market, because of how gamers in another market

we can kickstart it, we have the technology.

As someone who didn’t use the exploit, and doesn’t have set of 240 gear, I hate the idea of punishing players for using in game exploits. Hackers and cheaters are one thing, but players just farming loot easily because your game is broken is completely different. Fix your fricken’ game! Or maybe, you know, make an

Story wise, everyone who is plagued in Yharnam is eventually going to become a beast. You are one of them. However where you are gaining more and more insight from defeating the great ones (Rom, Ebrietas, Amygdala) or consuming the insight of others (Madman’s Knowledge) it keeps you from going full beast.

The pellets