
but how is her food blog?

Hey, I am a very good drunk passenger, thank you very much! Except for that one time when I started shouting after seeing an Audi R8 (admittedly my standards sink a little when drunk) and the cabbie thought I meant to follow it. Nope, sorry, I’m just a drunk enthusiast, still going to 1st and Ogden. I pitched extra

The Fox Body Mustang...

Passocorto!? Will you finally become a reality?!


If a trip through the Corkscrew doesn't pucker his buns, nothing will.

I think my level of knowledge is roughly on par with my knowledge about nuclear physics, which is: it should be left up to trained professionals.

Every time I see this, I read it in Mr. Regular's The Voice taking a dump. DEAR DDOUGG

very nice to see such a vibrant color that not only matches the car, but doesn't look immature.

I really want this thing to live up to the hype. I really do.

Will it baby?

And the song called it the wrong name!

You are wrong, anonymous hater. There's a G650, not a G6. Nobody calls it a G6.

I actually did it once. It was an 8 hour long flight and the kid kept kicking my seat. The mother was such an asshole that even when I requested her to ask her child to stop kicking me, she said "he's young" and looked quite indifferent. Of course the child threw a huge tantrum after being tripped, but I felt such