
Does Gawker Media intentionally break the commenting system, or is it just that every time they intentionally make it worse, they accidentally overshoot and shut the whole thing down?

Gotta say, I was hoping for an Inline VI

Then Infiniti wouldn't have a place in the world. I dream of a return of the days when you didn't have to pay for the "premium" emblem to have RWD or real AWD in a Japanese performance oriented vehicle (Toyobaru, EVO and STi notwithstanding.)

Well, at least it's a cycle, not the Spiral... (Why does my mind make these connections)

High five for the Electric Six reference!


I'm intrigued about the availability of this box.

The hearse DOES look better though:

I went to use the Shinji charger, but it kept breaking down and ended up being useless.

They should've made the actual plug look more like the umbilical cable that plugs into the Eva.

Meh, if those were truly Eva-themed, the chargers should look like the power station buildings in the show. Extra points if they come out from the ground and then back after being used.

Volkswagen Phaeton, one of the most underrated cars in history.

It was a bit dumb to think it would succeed this side of the pond, but the Phaeton was a damn fine car that failed miserably.

Pic isn't loading, but as you said V10, I assume it's the LFA.

does...does that bullet bill have cat ears?

My first thought was "Ha! Republican Rampage. There's a golden idea for a game."

They should do this again with FPSs the next time the gun debate comes up.