Piloter, raging against the machine.

It's not a bad idea...I see what they're going for. Sort of chunky/swoopy with a lot of 80s design language. Unfortunately they're starting with a car that's itself far too chunky, so accentuating that without radically reshaping everything else is a big mistake. From the rear it's just a mess of lines and way too

It's an Alfa. It's a common one, so you can fix it without having to learn Italian and rack up international telephone bills, it's a low-mileage one so after you replace all the age-related items most of the rest of the breakin period belongs to you, and it's cheaper than a Kia!

You COULD listen to it for hours, but you get 1:20 worth over a boring Unreal Tournament-esque electronic background.

Say what you like of the driver—no, really, go ahead, he's an asshole with no character and money or fame doesn't fix essential deficiencies like that—the car's pretty cool. He took an idea that hasn't really been done in car culture with anything much newer than the 1960s, executed it in detail, and did so on a

Now playing

Look, you may bash on the M1 for its history, but I tend to judge cars first on the feelings they bring by looking at them and listening to them. Then what they're capable of. I couldn't give less than a steaming pile of coffee grounds whether or not its name was reused, what racing series it was in or how well it

Actually, yes, please do go on. Hovering is the good behavior. Riding is the bad behavior that would be addressed with the theoretical training. All the consequences in mileage and mechanical wear and lights on arise from the bad behavior and are NOT intrinsic to the act, merely to performing the act incorrectly, with

Hell yes. Cons: People as a herd are stupid, untrained, and hardly aware of where their hands are, nevermind their feet. For everybody who can do it competently (quarter-million miles for me so far, sum total of accidents was a deer that leaped INTO me as I braked, garage that failed to do the requested work on the

When desperation sets in, accept the long shots.

For MY car? Considering it's many states away getting the engine swapped while I blow F-250s around the skidpad in my awesome new coveralls? Hell, probably a set of decent non-factory rods for the 7AGE so I can run higher RPMs and the labor to swap the GSX-R 750 ITBs (and associated custom-milled T3 adapter plate)

The Eagle, especially in silver, looks not unlike a DeLorean with a lift kit. Therefore, on such shallow considerations, I'd have it. And you also wouldn't get mobbed by Subaru fanboys but have to sit over in the corner with the IHI devotees, which also suits me fine.

Let me put it this way. I look not unlike a 1980s-era Dan Akroyd crossed with a bit of Ivan Reitman, have much the same build and vocal range as Dan, about the general sociability and gearhead nature of Elwood Blues, and although there's more than meets the eye when I peel down I think the more probable tip route

"unfortunate sewage event that destroyed our primary one in its underground facility."

When one of the business partners shares your last name. ( http://www.heritageservicecentre.com/about/meet-your-mechanic/tom-toft/ — hi Dad! )

I start my CDL training either next week or the week after that; I'll let y'all know if I find out.

And like all cumstains, he failed to spend a trivial amount of money and time to protect his expensive bits. Just imagine this thing with cone filters sticking out of those turbos. Can we say instant Dagmars? Hell, with all that torque he could then rename it something dragstrip-witty like "Titty Twister".

Please, we're all jalops here. I'd rather DD a M1 but this'll do for now.

Wasn't #1 the one that got surprise-rolled for the VIPS to demonstrate airframe rigidity? If this were my airframe, I'd solicit contributions for restoration and first-flight rights, then go buzz SEATAC and do a low-altitude four-point roll. Wonder how many people in the cabin would historically appreciate it and how

"You can't blur out real life". No, but $9.99 at Amazon will help you foil facial-recognition cameras or troll bank tellers.

Engine gnomes are /real/...

The mechanic may not walk, and the driver may not talk, but if you're going to give me a car to try and pry me away from my spiffy new job or my long-suffering CoPiloter or my ever-widening circle of minio...FRIENDS...it's going to have to be packed fuller than a Congressman in an airport restroom with nontrivial,