Piloter, raging against the machine.

Watermelon storage.

If you were new to bellowing, rip-snorting massive power I'd recommend the SLS or Lambo, for pyrotechnics from the rear end and aural sex. However, since you've had the Cobra and Suburban and an A, what you HAVEN'T experienced is the thrill of putting the world in fast-forward and playing at being a slot car. I

You, sir-or-madam, are correct, however after the initial release (WELL before my time) it kept on coming back. From Wikipedia: "After its initial theatrical run, it was re-released to theaters four more times: January 1969, June 1979, December 1985, and July 1991."

Although there are a lot of great ones, I have a soft spot for this one.

I was taken to this movie's theatrical rerelease in 1985, as a wee nipper. Despite loving dogs, what made the biggest impression upon me (and inspired that combination of fizzy feeling and sheer aural / visual awestruckness) was precisely this fleeting part of the chase scene. I credit it for awakening my bloodline's

No love for the yummy NUMMI collaboration?

Town Car. You can pick them up for dirt cheap ($1500-$3000), they'll get 27 MPG on the highway if you keep them in cruise, and as a bonus you don't need to get hotel rooms. A pillow or two and the bench seats will sleep two in comfort, or some quilted blankets and curl up in the trunk. Plus depending on how many

You can replace the stock horn easily enough WITH one of the majestic thunderers. While I almost never use the horn, preferring to use the pedals and the wheel, when I do sound off I want it known about, and the reedy apologetic 90s-econobox didn't cut it.

It may amuse you to note that my avatar on Toyotanation is a custom little piece I did involving the exact same logo, and the custom tag is "TIEyota fighter ace".

"Stay tuned in Kinja."

Yes, well, we HOPE the roll axis doesn't get used. And that the pitch axis is more for adjustment than control.

Is it too late to draw a line between the sex trade (legal and regulated in many places, which we will define as people who are in it of their own volition-see escorts, Nevada, etc) and sex trafficking, which is like sordid kidnapping?

You're welcome, Mz. Didn't Grasp The Statistically-Based Rebuttal Of Deliberate Ism. Happy to be of service.

Cannot tell if this is an attempt to ad-hominem troll or an attempt to justify a short attention span. Please feel free to use as many words as you like, they're free and I'm reasonably literate.

My first thought when I see a minority in a majority environment is "I'll bet they're either damn good or damn motivated to be there, wonder what their story is."

Look. We can all acknowledge that racism, sexism, and classism exist. And while we are working to change them, this means that there are a few generations of people out there who the isms have applied to more heavily than this current generation of babies.

I'm all about functionality. I can lift 200+ pounds, walk a couple miles on level ground without puffing like mad, stay awake for 40 hours without stimulants, function on 6 hours of sleep a night, eat vending machine 'sandwiches' and keep going. Yet I weigh 260 pounds, 44" waist, and have moobs and the beginning of

Now playing

Sir Truckington-Browne has been wondering what took you chaps so long.

Isn't crotchwaffle really more of a child-free term for the carpet sharks that ride INSIDE and spend the entire flight pugilizing the back of one's seat or pulverizing one's eardrums?

And are they going to cut some fat out of the car as well, to make up for a peaky little devil of a powerplant? Or is this going to be the screaming high-rev heart of a S2000 in the landwhale body of this century's sedans so far, meaning that you're going to sound like a Block-level hoon as you struggle to climb every