Built in WiFi is awesome, but Microsoft really needs to work on their industrial design. The original Xbox 360 looked like something that came with a Happy Meal, and this thing just looks like they stuffed the guts into a cheap, tacky PC case.
Built in WiFi is awesome, but Microsoft really needs to work on their industrial design. The original Xbox 360 looked like something that came with a Happy Meal, and this thing just looks like they stuffed the guts into a cheap, tacky PC case.
I will never get tired of you guys using that picture.
Hey, I can see my house from here!
@Pill_Hell_Tom: Nevermind, Dell answered my question for me. Out of stock.
What do we know about that $450 40" Bravia? Can anyone give me any warnings/recommendations?
@rich8606: Silent Hill 2 is an extremely Japanese game, and I'd argue that, at least in terms of theme and narrative, it's one of the most mature games ever made.
I was disappointed by the Eurogamer review, but it's hard for me to take issue with the reviewer's complaints. Part of the problem, I think, is that from day one (five years ago!) Remedy has been touting this game as a paradigm shift, a literary game with a literate story that would really set itself apart from most…
@dkrefft: I'm not sure about multiplayer, but you can buy Jedi Knight right now for $4.99 on Steam, and the Mysteries of the Sith expansion too, for that matter.
@Michael McWhertor: I never should have doubted you.
"Whack nostalgic?" Is that a typo or am I just not getting a reference to Perfect Dark? (Which I'll admit I only played once for about fifteen minutes on a 12" CRT ten years ago.)
@mind in rewind: Word.
@Prinny: This is one of the oldest and lamest criticisms of Mac gaming, and somehow I still see it in comments all over the place. MACS HAVE HAD RIGHT CLICK FOR YEARS! Unless you're planning on playing Half-Life 2 with your MacBook's trackpad, you will have no problem mapping controls to the right mouse button. I'll…
@BrainBubble: Just make sure you quit to the game's main menu before shutting off your console or going back to the dashboard. That's the way to manually save.
Seems strangely familiar...why does he seem so familiar? Oh, right.
@Agumen: Exactly. Thanks.
I feel like I should clarify a little.
Anyone else immediately struck by the fact that this guy's name is three letters away from "Eddie Dombrowski?"
@mernmern: Don't go back to Rockville.