First you claim ignorance, then you disrespect. That's cool, I guess.
First you claim ignorance, then you disrespect. That's cool, I guess.
Yes, it communicates "I can't handle you or your behavior or the anger it makes me feel and I have no idea how to talk to you about it so I'm just going to hit you to make you feel bad, so you'd better get better at staying away from me and hiding or lying about what you feel and do."
an insult to any kind of science in the 'science fiction' category
Sorry you had a bad time.
If they tried anything innovative, they'd have been shit on by you, and millions of people whom if they didn't try anything innovative would bitch "where's the innovation!? Just another rehash! Lame" Because gamers are the whiniest, most confused bunch on the Internet, moreso than Republicans.
I think at least a NSFW was justifiable.
INB4 "My boss would have no problem with me looking at big blue anime titties."
Except that with your painting analogy, it's an object that rests on a wall. It can be viewed, processed, and then walked away from. Sort of different when we're talking about actual, real people having been marginalized for sometime now.
And you left hungry.
you should stop doing that if you resent it. it's not really a gift if it's not given freely. you can't control how people respond, so don't give away things if you aren't prepared for the outcome, good or bad.
These are afterthoughts. You don't think them until something bad has happened. You don't start crushing on someone or flirting with them with the idea that they're inherently a piece of shit. You use these opinions to go back and string a new thread and paint a different picture, that way it fits your narrative so…
oh fuck off. stop trying to shame men from defending women.
That's pessimistic. I've shut many a fools up who start talking irrationally by calling them out on what they're doing. It's not being a white knight by being a good person.
A large part of society accept gay people and dont give a crap. Its only the few ignorant arseholes that are anti gay.
They might be able to as soon as the fitness test standards are lowered to a shamefully low level as they have been for women in every other branch of the armed forces in every country where they are allowed to serve. Just speaking the truth. Nobody get mad.
I'm not trying to exclude anyone or make anyone feel uncomfortable, but facts are facts.
English has two different pronunciations for most of its consonants, excepting ones like R, Z, and N.
A lot of them do, yeah, and it's pretty great.
It's a phone. Stop.
Yeah I'll buy it.