I still remember kids talking about how they were developing a system to play SNES and Genesis games in the same system. Kind of funny that Hyperkin actually made one.
I still remember kids talking about how they were developing a system to play SNES and Genesis games in the same system. Kind of funny that Hyperkin actually made one.
Correct, but I’m saying none of those things should be considered choices overall.
This notion is so pervasive that when Masuda goes back to his hometown, he’ll overhear people express disbelief to each other that he is actually Junichi Masuda, saying, “Someone from Nintendo would never come to a place like this.”
Maybe I’ve failed to generalize the importance but why do we care about making Lego sets out of another kind of thing that’ll also last a really long time by design? The fact that something is the plastic we’re used to or a plant-based thing that’ll also be around for a while seems like a dumb fight to have.
A sample size of friends and family would only need to be 30+, so yes, I can draw conclusions about people in my life and where I fit in. I cannot generalize those claims to people living elsewhere or in other conditions, but everyone I know is within the same area for the most part, and area is linked to economic…
I thought of the same one myself as I was taking a piss today. Weird.
You’ve said Black women are a large part of Overwatch’s audience. Can you please show me where you got demographic data like that?
It’s not a good look for people who are looking for sure, but the amount of people looking are a few vocal Tumblrinas and people on Twitter preaching to an audience of themselves. Overall it’s a fine look and I’m excited to play an interesting character like Sigma for all of 2 games before I remember why I quit in the…
In no way does that comment add or detract from what I’ve said.
In 1999 they wouldn’t have been wrong, and likely the rating by the ESRB, which pretty much dictated sales in some way, would have unfortunately slapped a heavier rating on it.
You’d be wrong, but I’ll bite: what about gravity powers and Dr Jekyll/Mister Hyde sounds interesting to you?
I’m not trying to get you in some gotcha manner. I wouldn’t have respect for myself or my opinions if that were my MO. Gravity is still more of a binding harness if we’re using metaphors. Wheels are circular for sure but a harness is still more apt. The rotation of planets isn’t itself a wheel; gravity is just…
In that case I realize it might not be Overwatch 2 per se. It might be like Overwatch: Something.
Maybe our generation isn’t taking care of ourselves as well as we should be.
I’ll believe it when I see it. I don’t doubt that they would release Overwatch 2 but I do doubt that whatever they would do for that game they couldn’t do for this. I’m already convinced that heroes in Overwatch 2 will be the same, but toned down and interesting, until professionals start complaining and they water…
Maybe if we made another Omnic that like transformed into a giant tube that caught bullets or something I don’t know I’m just hashing out ideas, Jeff.
Or a robot with a female voice made by a black woman.
I don’t even care about tone. I’m more concerned about why you think gravity is more like a wheel and less like a harness though.
what about gravity powers and Dr Jekyll/Mister Hyde sounds interesting to you?
I’m a little confused. If Overwatch currently has 13 female heroes and 12 male heroes, not counting non-human heroes for obvious reasons, then why wouldn’t the next one be male at least?