
But what does that have to do with a subreddit? I’m curious about that part.

I’ve done it before. And I quotation; “It’s fine. Whatever”.

How so?

Don’t have to. I’ve studied linguistics and I, when I was younger, overly focused on grammar and made it a point of pride too. I’ve also taught for just under a decade. Those guides are prescriptive but they’re often written by nobodies who have no authority to prescribe.

It can be anywhere - that’s a matter of style, not grammar, and I choose where to put the comma depending on how much I like the way it looks.

They, not their.  Not even “They are”, so I’m surprised by that one.

I feel like you’re participating in something Kotaku has lightly commented on critically in the past: gamers who assume control over something that isn’t theirs. Only in this case, it’s a person.

I hate meta-comments on stuff like this because I’m not a journalist but when a lot of .gifs are posted like this, and they just keep playing, it’s really hard to follow the story and know when the loop is restarted.  Is there not a video of the same interview available?

For him so that he doesn’t die.

You’re getting old.  It tends to be around the late 20s, early 30s that taste in music begins to solidify.  After that it happens less and less.

No it does not.  You’re hinging on the headline; the article is about how someone did not make a mockup but rather just took the picture from a 3-year-old post.

I genuinely look for ways to use pharisaical.  This article both depresses and excites me.

Whoa whoa. My only takeaway? I took away plenty. I commented on this because I feel it’s worth critical discussion. There’s nothing critical about my believing that people from all walks can create games.

[...] he also said that every single person he introduced himself to asked him to repeat his name.

To be clear though, you wrote:

There were many changes, as Blizzard is wont to do.  The biggest difference that might shock people is that you needed scrap to upgrade your turret but you could upgrade it to level 3.

Torbjörn’s main issue is that people are used to him. When Overwatch was developed and released, no one was using anyone to their capacity. Then things grew, where the ceiling on Genji was approached and we found it was higher than other heroes (Symmetra countered him fine, which is why I loved her 1.0 self). Torbjörn

They don’t have defense heroes anymore. They said that classes in Overwatch should be disregarded even before they themselves lumped all offense together.

When music switched to digital, people largely abandoned old formats. Music had been recorded digitally for a while before CDs went out of style, but the switch to playing it without a physical, media disk was easy.

I love the system, but I’d be interested to know how “fag” gets reported so quickly. Do they have servers set up that detect usage? Could someone from Great Britain really not type “Heading out for a fag, brb 10 minutes” without getting banned because it’s a bad word on the other side of the globe - in a language