
Everything you listed pertains to market success. We’re talking about the film itself. Plenty of popular, mainstream things of a lesser quality achieve financial success. Indicators might have good coefficients but they’re not the final judgement by far.

What are those standards though?

They’re wrong about it not being a great movie (by any standard)? It was an okay film. There were more waves than depth to it. It could have been way better but Marvel films that aren’t origin stories tend to be this way. Why do you think it’s a great film on par with something Schindler’s List or whatever?

When you say it’s hard to target heroes like Genji and Tracer, I don’t think I understand: Junkrat is a fantastic counter to them. Grenades essentially create a space where they can’t go, lest they take damage. Leading shots and denying space is a great tactic, as is placing a trap near your feet or another area you

Half a fucking hour.

It seems like you do give a fuck, and life isn’t too short, because you’re here. This is also something that I work with - linguistics. There’s more to language than whatever English grammar book you might be quoting. Language has a ton of complexities that are internalized, and that “they” can be both plural and

Here’s the thing: it already is and has been a good pronoun for an unknown gender for hundreds of years, and it actually gets rid of twists. It’s the opposite of adding.

I don’t understand. For one, “it” is not grammatically difficult. Never thought it was. Don’t confuse “complex” with “difficult”. Two, I would bat an eyelid at “they is” because verb conjugation is based upon its relationship within a language to other important parts. Some languages, like Russian, conjugate based on

Not join in on the hype. Cities: Skylines is almost entirely supported by players sharing screenshots of their modifications, not their base-game accomplishments. I care about the latter.

I’m a bit of a black sheep in the community. I’d rather enjoy the base game to the fullest extent and only use mods that simply make the game work better. Automatic bulldozing is just brilliant and should always have been an option, but it wasn’t. Some mods make the game too easy, some make it contrived and don’t

While it’s grammatically correct to state that “it” is gender-neutral, pragmatically “it” is problematic in this context. For one, languages can break all sorts of rules, so it’s not like we have to be pigeonholed to some “one word for one thing” sort of rule. A language could have 3 versions of a word whereas one

Yes, there are bigger problems in the world. That doesn’t invalidate all problems and we don’t have to solve them in order. That, and the people at Wizards of the Coast or whoever aren’t actually in charge of other major decisions. They’re in charge of their cards, and the ability to use “they” is great for so many

Using a third-person pronoun has been done, in English, for hundreds of years. And in some other languages. It isn’t new. To complain about this is on par with complaining about how we stopped using thou/you and switched entirely to “you” - something some European languages do, while some don’t. And more distant

“We recognized that language changes with time and there’s been a shift in desire to move to ‘they,’”

Lol. I made the same comment and the article was edited. I can’t find my original comment though.

The unnamed island is 4x4 squares, half the size of the forest-heavy Erangel or the sprawling desert Miramar.

One of the more interesting things that’s happened with the acceptance of trans people is that men who transitioned to become women and women who transitioned to become men have reported how differently they’re treated. Trans men were once not taken seriously, but now being men, they are. Trans women experience a loss

You can absolutely be a bigot for stating facts. People who state things like “Most Black people are killed by Black people” are stating a fact. It’s just also a fact that everyone from every race group is killed by their own race, and merely listing a fact isn’t enough. Data without a context doesn’t mean much.

Correct. There have been Black Europeans since “the very beginning”. That’s why places like St. Moritz are named after Black Christians. But you still know exactly what I mean when I use modern demographical terms to a very specific end, so it’s really shooting yourself in the foot. It’s perfectly acceptable to use

I know it isn’t probable, but would you guys consider revisiting this piece to include statistical information about non-Europeans living in Europe at the time and how you think that should be approached?