You all need to learn to chill the fuck out and take a joke.
You all need to learn to chill the fuck out and take a joke.
Unless they’re playing a title, like Rocket League, which is far better when played with a controller. Or were you under the impression the Xbox One couldn’t use this or that people were using it for FPS titles?
I’m fine with an emotional death that I don’t want (ironically), but it was clear from the disparity where the writers were going there. They continued down the same path thereafter in some ways, but I think they also realized that they couldn’t keep doing that. Now everyone’s alive and is basically being kept alive.
I first started taking issue with the series when they killed Oberyn. I know it happens in the books but it happened so differently yet similarly that it was clear what the writers wanted to highlight. They really wanted you to have a personal relationship they could just shit on and they turned a simple death in…
I’ll assert that the game would have been a success if analysis paralysis weren’t so prevalent in multiplayer. There were so many options to choose from and so many small, meaningless changes and mods to gloss over that in the end, a lot of energy was spent worrying about nothing - and everything.
Just to check, am I the only one who thought James Raynor in StarCraft was black? He clearly looks black, right? Obviously I’ve known since StarCraft II that he isn’t, but it just seems really weird.
I wanted to get Scythe so badly but I watched a review of it, and some gameplay. It’s far too chaotic for my friends, and for me (I’m a stickler for rules), and I know that until everyone had many hours of experience, it would be as random as rolling dice. Still, I look forward to enjoying the universe.
Yeah, but the sort of combo that requires no input. When one attack can count for more than one tick, it’s not really that combo. If a hadouken kamehameha counts for what, 20+ ticks, then that’s not really impressive. I think some games went even higher than that and it was dazzling on screen but not impressive.
I’m pretty sure that vinyl records that were recorded digitally play no better than a CD. It’s a record that’s been recorded with analog technology that really pops on a record player.
I’m pretty sure that vinyl records that were recorded digitally play no better than a CD. It’s a record that’s been…
Is it really doxxing? Seems like it’s just finding a picture of someone and figuring out who they are. Let it continue, but please don’t fall into the “I support the doxxing of people I disagree with” category.
Blizzard and Valve already settled the legal terms of the copyrights and infringements. They did so amicably. An entire event in Dota was built on this actually, as they had to rename Skeleton King to Wraith King and they changed his appearance (it was about infringing on Leoric’s design). There’s nothing left to…
They already went to court, or arbitration, or a general set of meetings to hash out with Blizzard what was and wasn’t infringement. This occurred when Blizzard was looking to create Heroes of the Storm. So no, this was already settled.
I appreciate their attempts. In Bastion and Transistor you weren’t faced with some happy ending either - but good, hopefully ones. In this, I feel the characters don’t understand why I would throw a game. They have no motivation to do that, and it feels like I’m lying to them. Unless I can be honest with them and…
If it makes money, sure. I remember picking up the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game back in 200 ... 7? When it first came out. I went to my hobby shop and played two games with someone who worked there who was weird (shocker) and that was it. I went back the week later and they told me that they canceled it…
People who hate gamers that complain about cosmetics don’t seem to understand the relation between these two things. What some assume will never happen and doesn’t happen and is totally separate you entitled babies will help lead to this.
People who hate gamers that complain about cosmetics don’t seem to understand the relation between these two things. What some assume will never happen and doesn’t happen and is totally separate you entitled babies will help lead to this.
It’s both a homage and original.
No, 4 fingers (including the thumb) aren’t enough. You’ll never access the entire dictionary of ASL without having all fingers. The thing about ASL though is that it’s used to disabilities, so the idea that someone might also lack a finger or something isn’t new.
A lot of people are immediately assuming that there’s a law or rule in place because it’s crass and unsophisticated to talk about money. These rules exist to stop other players and workers from demanding similar pay. The person down the hall from you, doing the same work, in the same position, could be making way…