
lmao, “Nobody owns a culture”. How White are you?

During the beta. How did you know that?

He makes valid points, and I was a little put off by the skin. But the way he puts it, it actually makes more sense for Symmetra to see herself as a god. Her whole jam is controlling and bending reality to her will. Her job, her backstory, everything is about that. Her feud with Lucio is specifically about being too

You’d weigh “rad as hell” against cultural appropriation?

That doesn’t mean we can’t be critical. If anything it means we should be more critical, since a game completely reflects the will of the developers without limitation.

Same here, but after the fit people threw about Tracer, I wasn’t going to bring it up on the forums myself.

I remember years of hearing, “Death Prophet is support why are you going mid?” Years. I didn’t play Skywrath as support, I played him as a nuker using Dagon. His ability to gank was insane, especially with Boots of Travel. I also played Undying as an offlaner who picked Decay instead of Tombstone. Now that’s all

Wanting to be out of the grays is so gray.

My only fear is that I’ll be muted or even banned unjustly. I played Dota 2 for some time, and over the course of 3 years, I was muted about 6 times. In no instance was I guilty of being toxic; rather, I was guilty of having been placed with or against toxic players.

Calm down.

Putting aside for a moment that you just wrote “I don’t even know for sure what went down”, you were just about enforcing a business contract. A contract that stipulated a refund under certain conditions. Written by the people making the game. The developers are people, but these people are developers. They need to

Have you tried playing it on a harder difficulty? Nothing really changes, but I did lose a few fights. You essentially had to perform combat functions almost perfectly. It doesn’t add much, but it made me feel a little bit more accomplishment.

I’d imagine the whole NDA thing is more necessary since you’re here on Kotaku commenting. If you were married to someone in a business you didn’t care for or understand, or care to understand, it’d be slightly different.

If you were trying to get to the bottom of the contract you’d have to acknowledge the happy ending of the guy getting his refund.

If you’re fretting over a faction in a mobile computer game, it’s time to put it down.

The D.va changes sound amazing, except for the one where she can’t die to her own explosion. That means she’s free to throw it in the air, run around shooting people, and then call a new one. I feel like her ult should incapacitate her somewhat, especially now that the timer is reduced from 4 to 3. Still, we’ll see.

Does she put people to sleep with her origin story?

The acronym was created to be more inclusive, at least in the 90s. It’s espoused by groups representing such people, so you’ll have to take that question to such groups.

You’re right! He did something way better. I know Clinton isn’t getting a medal but that man definitely should.

I knew plenty of partiers who also passed all their classes and got their degrees. I went to a party school too, but the freshman drop out rate wasn’t 50%. The ones who did only party still became slightly better people, so it’s not a complete waste - it’s just not what you expect.