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Could not help this with the, "I love you, I hate you."

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I love you, too. Polly-wolly bing bong! xoxo, Sally Draper

Heh, can't you just see this one as the end song to Mad Men in the future?

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Ahh, Peggy Lee with "Is That All There Is?". Forgot to post this here, too. Now this is one wonderful and realistic woman.

Just one caveat from my doctor: "Be careful with AA." Especially if you are a young woman. Especially if you are vulnerable.

"I *LOVE* you!" after some infraction, which, of course, dares you to not love back. Not loving back would mean you were some horrible parent. Yes, you love, but, maybe, not like at the moment.

*You want a Mother's/Father's Day present from the cat?* I suggest that you dig a bit deeper into the litter box to get all the pee and learn to really use that broom to sweep all around* Give me a break. Heh.

Re: Punch yourself in the face

Tracie, your MM recaps are the best on the Internets. It was creepy this morning to find only, "Oh, my god, this is the worst...Betty is such a loser...*boring*..." things.

I think so as well. Dare I say? Perhaps (I pray) WOC are saying, screw you and you're marginalizing cameos?

I love it when he wipes tears. He's very funny and sincere. [Did you read the stuff about the Sea Change artist, Jeremy Blake, and his wife? Very weird and sad].

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Pt. 2. See, I love someone who can laugh at shortcomings.

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It's the one up, and it gets me so down in a way. [And this, in my mind, is why community is so hard to maintain].

Ahh, I love Beck. On this one, some disagree due the whole Scientology thing. However...shall we give him a pass?

Like, what? Of *course* I know what I am doing! [stop telling me I think too much].
