I was always big on purchasing second-hand, but the bedbug concern has really killed it for me. I question how well the used goods stores inspect. *off to google*
I agree with you and add the lack of quality inspection of processing/materials such as lead, especially in products for children. [Jez had a story about toxic jewelry manufactured in china, which is not regulated} recently].
I wish I could remember the title or, at least, the author of the short story (poem?). I think it was in the New Yorker.
Jeeze, I just posted that on Crosstalk. Miss you, babe~!
RE: "Charlie Brown is depressed. Lucy is a bossy cunt. Linus is a head case. Peppermint Patty is like a cocktail party guest who corners you and talks to you until you want to slit your throat from ear to ear. Whenever Snoopy talks, he sounds like a cat being raped. No one smiles. Everyone's complaining or arguing.…
Heh, I speak for myself. More of a struggle when I was younger. I blame my family.
Well, after many, many years, I got back together with an ex who I dated all through university. Same situation back then: we were young, going to marry, a done deal. Thing is, he was cheating before....and I also did. We owned up to our humanity. There was something ab out telling the TRUTH. Without truth, there can…
@Froufrou: Exactly. Since when don't teens act silly/test the markers? Really? New in France? French people, respond!
Who is really surprised here? All caps? Yes, it's America. Why is is so werid that I'm thinking Sam Ronson [because of her sudden show-up] is probably only one of the few people who really care?
My dream has been to make a cul-de-sac at Burning Man. But I won't go.
Thank you for posting a pic of a bathing suit that pretty much any woman could wear...and look lovely. Of course, the China thing...hopefully no lead or other toxic stuff.
@mainesqueeze: It is all about the preparation. Plus, constant supervision. Hello rescue.
In my book, she is much more than any illness or her public image. Just getting out there and being a public figure for bipolar, general insanity, intensity, commmunication and drug experimentation makes her a heroine in my book.
Maybe my move Upstate is right for opening a rehab catering to the rich and famous. I've got hi-def, wireless, cable and they can go jump into the river if they don't like it.
@KaliMama (Ganesha is my Om boy): I get it. He is saving marriages, right? No! Redefining marriage as a business venture with the rules of business.
@Lymed no like Scalia: Point taken, but I did say I could be wrong in some cases. Just want to put a word in for the "allomother." I know many women who look younger than their years without a holier-than-thou attitude or fanatic attempts to do so and respect them (of course).
@Aquarianmind: ai,someone's going to have a major crisis when s/he gets older.
@Buffalo_Gal: Same here—and I am not a fan at all. It's just that all the plastic surgery, sexy posing, wearing a t-shirt with MILF on it, etc. was so embarrassing and obviously a sign of an end. I'm thinking that there was a good deal of insecurity on her part with empowerment posturing coming off as lame—and sad.