
Look up the #embroidery hashtag on instagram. There are some great artists out there. @faimyxstitch is one, she does hints and time lapse videos of techniques. @peacockandfig is another great one. I’m slowly learning embroidery too to accent the cross stitch and I’ve learned a lot by just vids on Instagram and YouTube.



Oh my GODDDDDD. That is amazing. I can’t wait to see this year!

Yassss do it! Show those lame-os.

Hahahhhha omg that’s amazing. I’m not creative enough to think of really crazy costumes but I love making mine and the girls’. Mr. Pie and I have an adult Halloween party this year which I’m really excited about. He collects vintage militaria and always goes as some kind of soldier based on what uniforms he finds.


Belle has the best RBF but she’s really a sweetie.

Ugh that sounds terrible. But glad to hear you and Bartender are still going strong!

Sorry, kicking kitties off your lap is not allowed. You’ve been blessed by having it deign to sit there. You have to wait. 

She’s so good! She’s a very content little baby. First tooth is in already too which is just too much. 

Ooo that sounds delicious!

Actually not too bad!

Hellooooo Jezzies! Craft Thread!

I watched it a few times when it was going viral so didn’t think I’d be so affected watching her here. But I was sniffing when the other women came out and then when the little girls did it was all over.

Pet Sematary was the first Stephen King book I ever read. (While 10 at sleepaway camp...brilliant thinking on my part.) I did not enjoy the first movie (found it more ridiculous than scary) but I have high hopes for this remake. The better casting of the cat alone is a good sign. Plus I love John Lithgow. Fingers

OMG. Thank you SO MUCH for this. 

Now playing

Tom Hardy is def a boyfriend. Also this video almost caused my uterus to expel my IUD via sheer will:

I’m actually not sure if I feel better or worse about it with it being fake, haha. Disappointed but also happy no one actually experienced it!