
Hahaha that makes me wonder if we know each other. But not enough to make me dox myself lol.

How dare you insult James that way?!

It was. And continued to be as he constantly trashed our reputation. I swear to you, Maine is really not the backwards racist state he makes it seem. At least not everywhere.

I’m surprised as well that he hasn’t been at least yelling about it. He’s currently fighting being told to enact the medicaid expansion by yet another court though, so he’s a bit busy being awful on a different front.

No congrats yet. It’s up for voting AGAIN today after the legislature passed a rule to overturn it even though it was voted on by the people. We’ll find out this week if it gets approved for good or not. Was interesting to do for the first time today though!

Our Secretary of State doesn’t suck, lol. That’s how. Plus, this is something that the Bureau of Motor Vehicles has control over themselves, it doesn’t require a legislative change. LePage was elected with like 32% of the vote thanks to a three-way split with a dem and strong independent candidate.. The majority of

Oh god.

It’s been so long since we made national news for a non-sucky non-LePage reason! Woooo Maine!

I can understand that but I also thing that if something like that is an issue then you need to use a different reference. Making up a new spell or potion (which could easily be explained by it being “recently discovered” or something) makes way more sense than using something incorrectly. Especially a MAJOR

Possible unpopular opinion (that contains spoilers from the written version, haven’t seen the actual play):

That sounds awesome! And super conscientious of you with the washing, haha. I would def appreciate that as a fellow parent.

Ah I’m so glad! And nope, no problem :)

I don’t know how much WW is, but I think I paid $90 for 16 weeks. It was the most I’d ever spent for a weight loss program (besides abandoned gym memberships) but it helped keep me on it. If you sign up online but don’t pick a program and pay right away, they may send you a promotional offer.

Ahhhh I want those green socks...they’re so lush looking.

I bet! Well, if this is any indication I bet you’ll do great!

Wow that’s fantastic! You could build a whole custom business just doing those, j bet they’d be hella popular.

Awww I love these birds! The way you did the chest pattern is awesome.

Oh I love that! I have a great dress that’s very similar but shorter sleeves. I like your length better!

Omg I love that, it’s gorgeous!

I did! I did it for four months last year before I got pregnant with #2. Lost 40 lbs! I love love loved it. I’m actually getting ready to start a new program now that baby #2 is 8 weeks old and I’m still 14 lbs from that pre-pregnancy weight.