Thanks! And your daughter’s friend sounds amazing. It’s that subversiveness that really drew me to it.
Thanks! And your daughter’s friend sounds amazing. It’s that subversiveness that really drew me to it.
I mean, that’s totally not the worst thing you could pick up in your travels haha.
Ahhhh yes I knew I knew it from somewhere!
Hahaha I had not thought about it! Baby Pie or Teeny Pie maybe? I only use that on here so we’ll see. Kind of like the sound of Mini Pie and Teeny Pie tho. Not Hot Pie. Wasn’t that a movie character?
Oooo sounds lovely! And yeah, do it up. More prettiness the better.
Very cool!
That looks awesome. The hot tub combined with the view is definitely vacation goals. I couldn’t live in a place like that but for a mountain vacation? Fuck yes.
Woooo it must be so nice knowing exactly when baby will arrive!
I understand feeling a little guilty but hot damn am I jealous of how your night turned out!
Hello Jezzies! Craft Thread!
As far as the wine goes in the linked article, achosid is right. It tied up the IP for 48 hours and then is moved to another vessel for up to a month depending on how long you want to wait.
- Jennifer Lawrence on rumors that she dated Brad Pitt last year
Samoas 4 Life.
THIS! Good LORD nothing bothers me more than all these idiots who screech about their constitutional rights being threatened when they’ve clearly never read the thing.
LOL! When I bitch to my two besties about this stuff I always finish it up with “and there was your birth control reminder for today.”
Ugh that sounds AMAZING! Damn full time job.
Some doctors do elective inductions for non-emergency reasons but most these days try not to. There’s a whole lot of reasons why keeping the babe in there as long as possible is good for everyone and a lot of negatives that can be caused by electively inducing. I get to just suffer for a while longer, haha. I can do…
Hahaha there’s at least one other Jezzie who’s due the week before me so it could be a real contest.
Yep, that was my exact face.
Thanks! And yes, yes they are.