
Both of those points are very good!

First of all, cake always counts.

That sounds like an excellent decision!

That’s awesome!!!!

Ohhh right the scarf for your mom who didn’t actually give you any hints about what she wanted, haha. Looking forward to seeing what you do!

Ooo sounds really pretty!

Craft Thread!

Yeah that makes more sense. There’s always a few trains of thoughts with celebrity interviews. Like on one hand, she was probably asked about it. On the other, she didn’t have to answer. But on the third (yeah there’s a third, what of it) I still think what she DID say was more about her personal experience with it

Ehhh RDJ’s shit has been open and aired for a LONG time now. And I thought SJP’s statement was actually pretty great for some people to hear. I’ve known addicts and have known people who loved addicts. The hardest lesson in the world is accepting that you alone cannot fix them. Sometimes you have to just walk away.

Right? When you consider the fact that his toddler can teleport and set things on fire, I’m impressed that his hair isn’t falling out in patches.

That’s actually not what it’s saying at all. LL Bean stated that this only affects purchases made AFTER the new policy announcement. Anything you bought previous to the new policy still falls under the old policy.

Don’t waste the pasta! That’ll be a good snack after. Gently place the pan on another surface THEN go at it.

Oh definitely a real version sounds awesome. I love eggs and beets and burgers so it sounds like a winner. I’m more curious if McDonalds pulled it off, haha.

After reading more on Google, I kind of want to try one now.

It’s just a guess but with the prices and the McOz, that’s what I’m thinking.

RIGHT? I think that’s an Aussie McDonald’s because there’s a McOz burger which we def don’t have here. That is terrible looking.

A friend of mine works there in returns and was saying how the whole judgey thing (which was supposed to be more gentle questioning about if it was normal wear and tear) was something that was only implemented in the past few years and only because of how many people were clearly abusing the system. Most likely if

I am not at all surprised someone has filed a class action because of course. This new policy has been THE story in Maine media for the last couple of days (duh) and the overwhelming reaction to it has been “ehh, that’s a bit annoying but after hearing about what others have been doing to them, it makes sense.”

Oh it does. I have to travel to northern Maine for work sometimes and the motel I stay in still stocks Surge in the cooler for purchase.

I get that, and accept your apology as it pertains to me.