
Go you!! Those glass pieces are incredible. And the shelves are freaking awesome. What a smart way to use that random space for something productive!

Thank you!!

I got a Sephora gift card for Christmas and it was the best thing everrrr! It even came with offer of a free full face makeover the day I redeemed it which was wicked fun.

Hello! Fellow adopted kid here. I’ve always known I was adopted but only knew the basic circumstances of it while I was growing up. (My parents were military and living in Germany, I was born there to an American girl whose parents were military too. She was 19 and in college hence adoption.)

Beautiful! I love the orange of your kitchenaid too. I have a red one, aren’t they the best?

Aw those are beautiful!

Haha I love that, thank you!

Ahhhh my goodness that is amaaaaaazinggggg! I love it so so much.

Mmmmmm yessss to all of this. The cookies look especially delicious. And I love a good Yule log.

Weird, SNS says it published an hour ago but just showed up for me. Kinjaaaaa!

Lol that’s a bit aggressive. I just want an evening.

Right? Pre-kids, it was all about activities. Going out and doing things with friends as much as humanly possible. Post-kids, I dream of a Home Alone situation but with me being the one left behind.

LOL that is adorable. Mini Pie would end up busting through there like she was auditioning for an all-child rendition of The Shining.

This sounds amazing! Now, who wants to take my husband and four year old for me for the night?

Hahaha well played.

Ugh, people. Without spoiling what happens when this lack of sound occurs, all I can say is it is EXTREMELY noticeable that it is deliberate. It also isn’t that long.

TRUTH. This is why appetizer platters are so popular. A little bit of many things is always better than a lot of just a couple things.

Oh for sure. But she should save it for Carol and Sharon at bingo.  

I don’t think so. It looks like normal middle-aged white lady hair to me. But who knows.

This is the first time I’ve actually seen what Meghan Markle’s half-sister looked like. And damn. I knew she was older than Meghan but didn’t realize she was that much older.