Oh hello Mk IV Jetta how are you today??
This would be a perfectly legit set-up in New Hampshire. I've even seen people riding street bikes while wearing flip-flops.
brushless means it has an electric motor with no brushes. Induction maybe?
Sherm still says
Well I must be a super nerd, because IF I remember correctly Tycho Clacho (duno about the last name spelling) the A-Wing pilot who distracts the tie fighters at the end of Jedi is said to have been on the Space Holo-phone with his parents on Alderaan when it was blown up. (sidebar: How does the signal on a space…
He's fine. He peeing and barfing and shitting and doing all the things that normal, healthy babies are supposed to do.
Cut to Brett Favre lamenting he didn't use the "I'm not an asshole" defense
Your dog doesn't want to make you mad, she just happens to shit all over your carpet.
I wanted to post something dis-satisfied with the level of building jumping and flame-throwers presented by this bionic suit...
You and your 'facts' are distracting from a good story.
I am curious too I only know his wife, Mrs. About-Town
The price of a gallon of milk??? The man was amazed by a bar code scanner
Did this with Hulk gloves a few years ago difficult to sip from, but a convenient way to play Edward 40-hands.
Most likely he found some with a time-stamp and the sun in the picture.