
I’ll be open-minded, but I don’t like it. I like how it works currently. Not all tanks are built the same, which is why it’s nice to have more than one. Hammond isn’t really a tank in the same way Rein and Orisa are. I don’t think he would function well as the sole tank because his role isn’t really to soak up damage

Anyone else remember that time Sega threw the Burning Rangers theme into a special event in Phantasy Star Online v2?

Do yourself a favor and look up the theme track for the 80s movie "The Thing".

I think you’re right, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take.

Now playing

Have you seen the Game Grumps animated showing their response to this opening scene? They also definitely made the Saving Private Ryan connection.

I have some complicated feelings on “Selling out.” Allow me to try to explain them.

Probably made in China

Yeah, to go with the 6 others out of 30.

Which is weird because I clearly remember people complaining about the lack of voice acting in some of the early games, especially the first Lego Batman game (because it was hard to tell what was going on since it was their first game not based on a preexisting plot or something).

citation needed

*nervous uncomfortable at the realization of her own mortality laughter*

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I guess we know why he’s so dummy thicc

I agree with this.  SNES > Everything ever.

Listen. I’m in love with AOC just like everyone else (seriously... SWOON), but she is dead fucking wrong about something.

I was going to say how much I agree with Nerfnow, but then I got interrupted

It’s not a combination of names as in Ben+Jennifer=Bennifer.

so long gay bowser”? (i don’t hear king anywhere in that)

Your “ignore it and move on” attitude is fine if you see a commercial for it on TV or an ad in the banner of a webpage, but when you create this self-congratulating, self-aggrandizing event to announce it, you’re wasting the time of everyone who specifically took the money, time, and effort to come to Blizzcon. It


Look, I get people being disappointed. I can even understand, to a certain extent, people being angry. No one was expecting, nor did anyone ask for, a Diablo mobile game. I think Blizzard is at times a little full of itself...high on their own supply, if you will. I don’t think they’re “out of touch”,