There's nothing immature about walking away from an argument that you can see is going nowhere. And ignorant? That's a pretty brave hand for you to play given your posts here.
There's nothing immature about walking away from an argument that you can see is going nowhere. And ignorant? That's a pretty brave hand for you to play given your posts here.
"Quantity does not defeat quality."
Okay. Just out of morbid curiosity I'm going to respond to this post.
Persona 5 is easily my most wanted game. I'm trying to not get too hyped about it in case I end up disappointed with the game when it comes but it's hard. I bought a Vita just for Persona 4: Golden and it was worth every penny. I love this series.
While this is interesting, I'd be far more interested to see what they say about the Xbox One given how tragically Xbox traditionally sells over there.
Absolutely. Burnout 3 is still my favourite racing game.
Sigh. I can argue against it. I just chose not to because it's obviously futile. I didn't realise that you were just going to list games and say that you didn't like them. Arguing against that is pointless because all I'm going to do is list games and say that I liked them. Although, I do have reviews on my side so…
Oh right, I get you now. I thought we were talking about real life before. That's why I was confused.
Weird. That's not how I remember it all going down.
Literally no idea what that is supposed to mean.
Even though I thought FFXIII-2 was alright, and better than XIII, I really just can't get motivated to give a fig about this game.
I think in your haste to rush to the defence of your chosen console you missed the point of his post. He was saying that he's packed up his 360 and will do all of his last-gen gaming on the PS3, which is a wise choice since the PS3 still gets great exclusives and for the last couple of years Microsoft has been more…
Well, I for one hope the bamboo legions rise up and overthrow the Japanese as punishment for the senseless executions of their brothers.
Yes. I claim partial responsibility for anything achieved by anyone English, ever, because I just happened to be born ninety miles inside the border. I take no responsibility for anything bad we, or rather, the English did though.
We invented Kit-Kats and we have like one flavour. Madness.
I've used it twice. Once because I wanted to see if it worked. And the second time because I wanted to see if it worked while I was at my partners house using her internet. It worked both times. It's pretty cool actually. I played Contrast for an hour or so while she was asleep.
I played All Stars (just for an hour or so, didn't buy it) and I thought it was quite fun. I liked the battle system, I liked the stages, and I liked the ridiculous super moves. But I didn't buy it because of the roster. If they had a roster like this, stuffed with classic characters from Playstation games from across…
This is a much better advert for tablets than it is for Xbox One.