
I didn't see that coming at all. I naturally assumed they'd not say anything about the level of exclusivity for a while and then announce the PS4 version when the game/Xbox One wasn't selling enough, or not announce it if they were. Announcing it'll never come to PS4 now is quite a shock given it's EA, and not a great

Assassin's Creed III completely drained what little love I had left for this series and so I'll be giving this game a miss. It's probably the most frustrating series in gaming. For every good thing, there's something rotten. For every exciting mission there's a ponderous or annoying one. For every inspired story

Damn. They're on to me.

Perhaps it does. Looks kinda the same to me. I wager that if you played it on PS4 and then walked into another room and played it on Xbox One you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. It's small enough as to be inconsequential.

Uh huh. But I always see the comics as kinda irrelevant when discussing the movies. They're an entirely different continuity. It's like if Superman just turned up in one of Nolan's Batman movies. Sure, it happened in the comic, but it wouldn't fit the tone of the movie at all.

Oh, sweetheart. Put your toys back in the pram.

And yet I can still type properly. What a champion.

I like it. Since my 60gb PS3 died a terrible, terrible death, and the nice people at Sony decided to give me a 120gb for free, I haven't been able to play all my PS2 games. That was sad news for me (I wanted to play Persona 4) but good news for Sony (I bought a Vita because I wanted to play Persona 4).

Sweet scene. Always enjoyed the Patrick Stewart/Ian McKellen combo. Even if "You're not the only one with gifts..." seems a little bit like "Yeah we don't know, but we really wish we hadn't killed him".

Yeah I loved the first two X-Men movies. The third one was a car crash and I would whole heartedly endorse any attempt at removing it from canon/my brain.

That someone also didn't watch the beginning or middle of The Wolverine either. I dodged it like the proverbial bullet after that bleach drinkingly awful first Wolverine movie.

No fucking way.

Are they explaining how Professor X is still alive after The Last Stand, or are they (fingers crossed) using time travel to alter the timeline and retcon that movie into oblivion?

Yeah he's kinda not washed up.

Well, the Xbox One has been a disaster at every stage so far, so it would really be a shame for them to launch without it being a car crash. Consistency, man.

Oh wow, they just look the same.

I haven't played Knack. Or anything on PS4, actually.

Played it at the local demo. It looks pretty, but you just walk about mashing buttons. Considering this is next-gen, it feels more like a step backwards in every single regard barring aesthetics.

It's nice to see an article that isn't setting nigh-impossible standards or buying into the hype machine, but at the same time, like you said, this is par for the course at launch. We all know how launches roll.

I don't know why, but this is the least excited I've been for a Metal Gear Solid game. Well, not including the PSP ones. I love Metal Gear Solid, and the game looks great, but something just isn't connecting with me.