
Did you ever read Rogoway’s post about Groom Mine, which the USAF finally succeeded in condemning a while back?

Wrong show.  Saul Rubinek has them all on lockdown in Warehouse 13.

I love the Big Cat as much as anybody, but I think you got the wrong Galarraga there, buddy. Also, I didn’t remember the ump’s union being pissy about Joyce talking about blowing that call, I thought it was Selig who was a dick about it.

Weren’t they the ones who really fucked over Nashville one year between the lockouts? Some insane like 12 year offer sheet for Ryan Suter or Shea Weber?

Man, what a mixup in/around NYC for next season. Rangers get Panarin and Kakko, Devils get Hughes and Subban, and the Islanders are returning most of the same roster that swept the Pens this year, except maybe Lehner.

Wasn’t there some shit with Oliver North and Wayne LaPierre and a vote of no confidence or some such shit at their big “no guns allowed” gun party this summer? I just remember a big stink coming off the thing because there was some super sketchy procedural hijinks involved, but I never cared enough to figure out what

Wow, Halladay put up a 10.64 ERA that year and still won 4 games. I had no idea it was that ugly. I mean, I was thinking like Bruce Chen/Jeff Weaver/Sidney Ponson/Bronson Arroyo territory, but even when those guys were just crappy workhorses on terrible teams, they still weren’t putting up worse than 6s or 7s.

Is it just me, or did it seem like they baked extra off days into the Final this year? Five days off between the end of the WCF and the start of the SCF, then two days off between each of the travel games in the Final.

Phil Prewitt didn’t only get in trouble for supporting an anti-abortion organization. He also tried to get a prosecutor to drop charges against a football player and threatened former staff over putting a campaign sign in her yard for his opponent:

Judges in St. Louis, both the city and the county, couldn’t give two shits about people in custody.  Read up on Lamar Catchings, who spent a year in jail and died of undiagnosed, easily treatable leukemia, and who went from walking to being unable to move, dragged to court in a wheelchair, where he was basically

And that terrible, terrible remake of Rollerball with LL Cool J riding a Harley like a dirt bike.

Is this a different thing from the Plain View project from like two weeks ago?  Because they found all sorts of racist cop shit, too.

This is just flat-out wrong. It’s possible for a kid in foster care to go back to the natural parent, or for a guardianship to be terminated, returning custody to the birth parent, but an adoption is PERMANENT. An adoption results in a termination of the parental rights of the natural parents and for all intents and

And Miroslav Satan should’ve been in New Jersey.

Yeah, for sure. I look at camping as a spectrum. On one end are the “my retirement and my kids’ inheritance is now a 40' motorhome that I’ll park in Florida/AZ in the winter” and on the other end are “I walked 20 miles carrying a 40 lb ruck that contains all I need to survive for five days.” I don’t want to do either,

In my experience, KOA campgrounds are usually the “private” park right outside the state park, or like five minutes from the closest interstate exit to some tourist trap. I’ve never camped at one and never will, because it seems like they’re designed for the “we’ll take the RV on vacation instead of staying in a motel”

He was drafted in 2006, and joined the Bruins that same year, at the age of 19. He also had ball cancer his rookie year and only missed 15 games. Look up some of his old NDTP/Golden Gophers pics - yeah, he’s just always looked like that.

There was another play in this game where a shot was deflected a mile high straight up and David Perron was the only one who saw it come down - never touched the netting, but the officials just whistled it dead anyway, because they had no idea where it went.

“Ditto” - LA domestic violence investigators

Sunday is Mother’s Day, don’t fuck it up.