
And then goes on to say "but if they look really hard they'll see who I am." So you mean when people are looking but not looking because character is how you act when no one is looking except when they look they'll understand your character when you know someone is not looking but they are looking.

Hey, what's the creepiest quote you could imagine from a man accused of rape?

Muriel, you fucking idiot! It's two girls and one cup!

Did you just call that black guy an ape?

God, that is so clearly written by a PR person:

I would actually be curious to read more from someone who deals with domestic violence professionally on what the potential achievements and utility of an "awareness campaign" are. (Self criticism: if I were REALLY interested, maybe I wouldn't be posting the question on a sports gossip blog!) I was a child when the

Jason even though you are an Unethical Game Journo Pros, (but mostly because you are a Man) I will be civil in the hopes of furthering polite discourse.

We usually push the boundaries, but with Craggs gone, we've done some rethinking how crude we really need to be in public. So, we agree, which is why we edited down our in-house Super Bowl ad. Give it a look when you get a chance. Thanks for reading.

I bet it could fuck up a rhino.


Oh, Greg Howard. You sweet, sweet, stupid man. You are confusing packaging with content. Yes, rhinos look tough and hippos look fat. But facts: that "sword" on rhinos' head? Its made of keratin - just like hair! Its just a dense ponytail! When my son was 8, he hand fed a rhino bok choy. You know who eats bok

Welcome to the ULTIMATE SUPER BOWL PARTY BRO! We have the ultimate snack! Plain tortilla chips, or tortilla chips with cheese dust! GET SOME BRO!

First they came for the cheese and crackers and people let it slide because they think that means slabs of American cheese on Saltines.

This tournament has had nothing but garbage results thanks to garbage voters who wouldn't know good snacks from garbage. Thanks for being trash and wrong, everyone.

The Manboy Who Lived.

He keeps the Monkey Puppet horcrux in Tom Brady's vault, where every time you touch one of the Uggs, they mutiply.

I still don't quite get the beast mode thing. In the original Beast Wars: Transformers cartoon the Maximals and Predicons typically used beast mode for regular travel or protection from energon radiation. Sure it could be useful but switching to robot mode let them use jet packs and rocket launchers.

Doritos? Really America? Really?! That's where you want to plant your snack flag? Powdered "cheese" faux-tilla chips over real Goddamned cheese and delicious crackers like Triscuits or Town House or motherfucking Wheat Thins?!? You chose that XXXTREME garbage over the delicious, salty, baked cheese flavor of