
Icke's the troll. mysticreferee's just reminding people of the obvious.

He asked how he's different, not the same.


Instead, go ahead and peak. Grilling a sandwich isn't like grilling meat. You're not going to be ruining the fond, because there isn't any. Did you flip too early? That's OK. Flip it back. No harm done. Don't worry about wasting butter just so you know when a side is done.

This. I could've done without the filter though.

I disagree. Photograph everything, though knock it off with the filters.

Damn. Has it been five years already? What the hell have I been doing with myself?

Yes. The cosmic auto-flash.

Mine is almost the exact same, ICF-C120, in dark grey. All of the buttons, controls, and face features look the same as the one pictured.

My Dream Machine has lasted me about 20 years now. That makes me better than you.

I got my Dream Machine cube (an even earlier model than the one pictured; model ICF-C120) when I was, hell, I don't even remember. 4 years old? 20 years later, it's still working flawlessly, and is my alarm of choice. I'd move to my smartphone, but I like being able to wake up in the middle of the night, glance at the

lmfao wtf

This. I was going to recommend something along these lines. If the kid is too young to know how to open a window latch, tell him it's OK to smash it, and designate something that he could use, like a hammer or baseball bat. Then, when he's older, he can just use the latch.

"Science!" I do not think it means what you think it means.

"New documents show that Titanic captain failed a key navigation test. . . then, y'know, passed it."

Keepass, with the vault file synced across devices via SugarSync.

A temporary sense of pride.

I feel like this movie is woefully overlooked.

My go-to bourbon.

I loved the part where they're all like, "Yeahhh, we're strippers!" And then the Predator shows up and kills 'em all.