
Close Encounters of the Third Kind versus Predator? Seriously? Why don't you make me choose which of my grandmothers I'd rather die first, why don't you!

That is one hideous desktop.

I have to agree: it's awesome.

This was one of the two I was on the fence about (the other being Metropolis versus Jurassic Park). I ended up voting Akira. Now, if it had been Aliens instead of Alien, my vote would have been swung in a big way.

The USSR sent Laika? That's just what "they" want you to think.

I was wondering the same thing.

Neil Struthers's entry is pretty awesome.

/b/ig surprise there.

I think I'll watch porn instead.


So, in a nutshell, you're asking, "Who are you to question the irrationalities of people's religious and/or spiritual beliefs for which there is zero verifiable evidence?" Right?

I normally enjoy films like this, including all of those listed in the article, but I was happy when this film was over, as it was one of the most boring tripes I'd ever seen.

That'll make online shopping a complete pain in the ass.

VOTE: Skype

In Hollywood's case, the aliens always lose due to a lack of creativity on the part of the writers. This might be why Invasion of the Body Snatchers is so refreshing. Then again, the aliens won in Pocahontas as well, yet it was still kind of an eyesore to watch.

Halo has a fleeting mention in the NOVA bomb section, yet the Halo Installations themselves aren't? Really? The Death Star's power to destroy a planet is somehow greater than the Halo Installation system's power to destroy all life in the galaxy?

Netflix has curbed my "piracy", squashing it into near-non-existence. However, if Hollywood feels the need to screw over Netflix, and in turn, the audience, then I will gladly return to "piracy" as my sole source for movies and television.