Soooo... what was the point of this article?
Soooo... what was the point of this article?
ZOMG she's talking at me.
Step one should probably be finding a fine-point marker so you can at least write legibly while planning the reboot.
Meh. I've never had much respect for sports photographers anyway. It's a vapid, uninteresting art, if it can be considered an art (which technically, I think it is).
Is there a reason the entire article is in italics?
Since it's season one premier, Community has been one of my favorite shows on television.
@DesignKid: Damn. We really do curse that much I guess.
I'm unsurprised. This is why I only eat fast food about once a month, and to be honest, I'd rather Taco Bell over some of the other franchises.
I still have my original grey Game Boy brick and games. Still works like a dream.
Cowboy Bebop FTW!
"We can record you, but you can't record us."
I usually enjoy the show completely, but this recent episode was dreadful. All this inane rambling about souls, and "OMG what is it? Where can we find it?" It was like an hour long commercial for Christianity. Plus Botox Granny Diana and her horrendous '80s-era soap opera acting weren't helping any either.
@diasdiem: And he woulda gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddlin' kids and their hyperintelligent canine.
@gebbss: Peanut allergies can be a deadly serious issue.
@campbell000: It's definitely worth it, especially since the two cables are priced pretty close together nowadays. There also is a noticeable difference in image and sound quality.
@Synthfilker: Those aren't sunglasses.
@Dezerus Richardson: I'm with everyone else on this. People mourned the death of the pirates??? They thought the tactics used were controversial? Who are these people, and where are they?