I think the 'Vaseline on the lens' post was just popular because everyone was curious as to who would be silly enough to gunk up a perfectly good lens.
I think the 'Vaseline on the lens' post was just popular because everyone was curious as to who would be silly enough to gunk up a perfectly good lens.
@John Branham: I was thinking the same thing. It's definitely not a motor-home.
"Way too often" is an opinion, and in no way a standardized constant.
@maxxusflamus: By 'a little', you mean 'from nuclear war', right?
@Jovan Securis Orator: +1
...because it's always a good idea to remove the focus off of the ring, and onto a tacky 2" screen.
@Kogo: You're comparing apples with oranges. That's a different culture.
@Kogo: I don't recommend step 2. Shorts are perfectly reasonable given the season/weather/climate. It would have been better to say 'Stop wearing cargo shorts' or baggy shorts or shorts below the knee.
@rcs914: I've been hoping for the same.
I would buy it in a heartbeat...if the first 3 movies were in their original form. I utterly despise Lucas's 'digitally restored versions'.
After reading the list of English swear words (which were either gibberish, the wrong language, or made up), I can't help but wonder about the credibility of the phrases and words in the rest of the languages contained on the site.
You call them 'eyesores'. I call them 'more interesting than the generic black'.
@CyberSpoong: Or worse: You're super horny, and you just spent forever downloading an awesome porn episode. You grab your dedicated jerkoff towel/shirt/box of tissues and settle into your chair. But.... PASSWORD PROTECTED! WTFNOOOOOO! Guess you'll just have to settle for a 'tube site' tonight.
@kingmaker: "I've never understood the time people waste downloading this low quality crap."
@Eauboy: I tried the compact/single strobe route after using the dual strobe SLR/DSLR rig for years. Ultimately, I went back to the larger setup, because I'd much rather lug around an extra Pelican case filled with heavy strobes and rigs than end up with poor shots.
@Bobly: I just cut it in half and use a fork to squeeze the juice out.
@Kevster: "...forks with a cork on the tines so they don't put their eye out."
@FredicvsMaximvs: For some reason, my account is shared between Gizmodo and Lifehacker, but none of the other Gawker sites.
I'd really like to comment on this article in a mature manner, noting her clever utilization of resources....but the 4channer in me will have none of that. She truly is a HPOA.